Beyond The Twilight Many years ago I was told I have night blindness. This appears to describe my inability to see adequately in twilight. It must be that my twilight vision is worse than other people's. The natural colors are gone, of course, the lighting is odd, graying and indistinct. Shadows are murky and without sharp edges. It is nearly impossible for me to see the white line in the center of the road. Therefore, I try hard not to have to drive during that time.
From childhood, I've been haunted with periodic loneliness, and often a sadness impossible to explain. Perhaps it is my personal disability. At times, it has been worse, and during those times, my view of everything was looking through a fog of despair. Light could not penetrate through the gloom. That feeling is much like looking through twilight.
Yet it is certain that Christ does not allow anything to happen to us, that is wrong for us in the long run.
* "he performeth the thing that is appointed for me" Job 23:14 Something I read in a book by Amy Carmichael about twilight, made me stop and think. She was, I think, referring to our life here on earth being as though it were in twilight. And how astounding it will be to awake in Heaven, in the presence of God, with all our understanding clear and bright. Our walk with Christ in Heaven will be beautiful and perfect. When I think of that, earthly twilight does not appear so dark.
All of our spiritual understanding here on earth is limited and fragmented. Our minds are only able to grasp bits and pieces of our magnificent, omnipotent God, though great and deep love and joy is experienced, as we walk with Him. As years go by, and as our walk with Christ grows deeper, the Holy Spirit teaches us increasingly; but no matter how long we live, or how close we draw to God, it is still like looking through a glass darkly, compared to what is ahead. God is saving the best for last. When we get to Heaven, and see Christ face to face, our comprehension will be complete, whole and perfect. The dazzling joy this will bring us will be rapturously enthralling.
We know that God knows us. The Bible says that when we get to Heaven, we will know Him like He knows us now. What an amazing thought that is! What an overwhelming blessing it will be! Remember the enormous thrill of first love? Imagine that multiplied countless times, and that gives us a glimpse of understanding.
* For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. I Cor. 13:12 All the joy we know on earth is as mere flicker compared to the joy God will give us in Heaven. That joy will be as the sun, compared with a candle.
We are not even capable of imagining how immense our joy and peace will be, and how deeply adoring and rewarding our relationship with Christ will be, in Heaven, for all eternity. The most intense love we can ever know on earth is just enough to give us a tiny glimpse.
The love we find here, causes a yearning for Christ, which grows stronger as we age. While the rewards of earth grow fewer and dimmer as the years go by, so we will look forward to the time when we will leave the earth, and enter the tangible presence of our Heavenly Father, where there is no sorrow, no tears; only pure love, and joy everlasting. How marvelous for God to have the best saved for last! What a gift to have such a glorious life ahead of us, as our earthly life grows fainter and more frail.
Through life, I have known some very old Christian people, feeble and frail, at times in pain, perhaps with no family or friends remaining alive, often with physical disabilities, and little left on earth. These dear folks have had utter and complete faith. Their spirits were filled with faith and joy, in absolute knowledge that when death brings to an end the earthly part of life, eternity will begin, in the blessed presence of their loving Heavenly Father. Oh, the perfect radiance they knew was now so close at hand!
I still remember my aged grandmother singing this old English hymn, her head tipped back, her eyes closed, and the peace and faith in her face just glowing:
Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him, |