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 Nightmares and the Christian

   Beginning at about age thirteen, I began having vivid, recurring, terrifying nightmares that I can still recall. I have been plagued with nightmares ever since. I certainly cannot be alone in this problem, though no one appears to speak of it, or write of it. Even the Bible describes nightmares.

    * And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. Gen 15:12

   My dreams were so powerful and convincing, that sometimes it took me quite some time in the morning, to sort out what was real and what had been a dream. There were times when the anguish I had felt in the dream, or upon waking, lingered all day long. I woke every morning, simply exhausted from abominable dreams of problems I could not solve; being lost from my children, or trying to find my children who were lost; and life-changing choices I was being forced to make, that were impossible to make, etc. The worst ones, were having my child who had died, back with me again, in joy and complete health; only to have to realize anew in the morning that my little one had indeed, died, and in effect, suffer the overwhelming, devastating loss of my child yet again.

    * In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Job 33:15

   I have asked many people if they thought the devil is able to plant ideas in a Christian's mind while they are asleep. I've been told that the enemy cannot read our minds, though he can hear what we say out loud. I had thought I was immune to his evil while I was sleeping, but I could not imagine God putting these torments in my mind at any time. I received differing opinions. I have searched for many years, for anything written on this, and found nothing.

   Perhaps I was asking two questions which were really one. Or was it one question which was really two? When God allows nightmares to happen, they obviously come through the enemy; if God allows the enemy into my mind while I sleep, to bring nightmares, it is His will - are these two not the same, when boiled down to the dregs?

   For four years, while suffering child bereavement, I was put on a medication which eliminated all my dreams. But when I decided to take myself off this medicine, the nightmares returned just as they had always been. Eight more years passed. I lived as usual, mothering my living children with love and prayer. I fought the enemy as I always had, with God's help during the day; but lay helpless every night, drowning in fear and horror.

    * In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men. Job 4:13

   Only this year, at fifty-three, in desperation, did I decide, regardless of where my nightmares came from, to actively seek for God to take them away.

   At last, though I did not know where they came from, I decided to ask God to take action against them for me.

   I began praying every night before I went to sleep, for God to not allow nightmares to enter my mind, so I could have a restful sleep, and be able to face the new day with strength, courage and joy.

   And I discovered that every night I did this, they disappeared! I woke up refreshed, without a single struggle going on in my mind! He answered "yes" every time! Well, why on earth did it take me so long to realize that nightmares are no different than any other trial in life! That God is perfectly able to prevent them! That perhaps He permits them, to teach us to come to Him for deliverance!

   So I went to sleep every night for a long time, thanking God in advance for freeing me during the coming night; and trusting Him to keep nightmares away.

   Was my dear and patient, loving Heavenly Father waiting all these years, and allowing the nightmares all these years, simply for me to come to understand at last, that all He wanted, was for me to turn to Him, and ask Him to take the nightmares away?

    * Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; Psa 91:5

   For weeks, this went on, and little by little, I forgot to ask God to deliver me. Every time I forgot, the nightmares returned. One morning I awoke swamped in horror, and remembered that it had been a long time since I asked God to protect my mind while I slept. I realized then, that it was God's wish that I consciously remember to ask Him for deliverance every night; it was His work of love which was protecting me. Well, that made sense. Why would God want to be used as a one-time inoculation? So I made it a habit, to pray as I was going to sleep each night, for God to rescue me from nightmares. And I claim as God's promise, this verse:

    * When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Prov. 3:24

   I tell my Heavenly Father how much I appreciate Him taking them away. I ask Him to help me to remember to pray about it, because only He can defend me from the enemy.

    * The Lord is my defense. Psalm 94:22a

   It's been about nine months since I wrote the first part of this. I still pray while I'm going to sleep, that He will protect me from my horrible dreams. And He has never yet said "no". Each and every time I have gone to sleep praying that He protect me from nightmares, He has replied with a "yes". In fact, as time passes, even during the nights that I forget to pray, there often is no nightmare; and I wake free, able to start a new day with a fresh mind. How deeply grateful I am to my kind and loving Saviour!

    * He giveth his beloved sleep. Psa 127:2b

2005 Rosemary Gwaltney