The Wrong Keys Have you ever been startled awake in the night, by the harsh, discordant sound of piano keys, being walked on by a cat?
Have you ever typed something, unaware that your fingers were on the wrong keys? When you finally glance back at the screen, you will find a message which makes no sense, and leads to no purpose. I have done that many times, then having to retrace my steps, remember what I thought I was writing, and do it again.
It is easy for a Christian to go along, thinking that they're living a Christian life because they are saved, though forgetting to spend time with the Holy Spirit, seeking God's plan. If we are on the wrong keys, the music we make, the message we write, the life we live will be harsh and discordant to our Heavenly Father.
It took me years of running and falling, but I finally learned to make it a daily plan, to raise my eyes to my dear Saviour and Creator, and see if the path I was on was still of His guidance. For I have run off on a different course by accident, not watching carefully as I went, for God's direction. A child often lets go of a parent's hand, and runs on ahead, thinking that they are still close to their parent, and believing they are still on the right path. I have been lost that way too.
* Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known. Psalm 77:1 If I keep plodding along, without keeping my eyes on my Saviour, it is too easy to stumble off into the underbrush, and find that I am not on the path at all. Emotions can do this. Oh, how powerful are emotions! The experiences of life will toss us to and fro, and we cannot ever know which way life will go, from one moment to the next.
* Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. Proverbs 5:6 The best way to find the path again, is to read the Bible. It is there, that Christ has put His words to His children, and it is there, through the Holy Spirit, that they will find His guidance.
* Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105 Several times in my life, depression clouded my spirit very badly. I could not imagine life holding joy any more. I lost my way so deeply that I no longer even knew what to pray. Blundering through the darkness of my spirit, all I could think about was my sorrow.
At last, in desperation, I turned to my Saviour, and cried out in helplessness. I no longer even cared about living. But even then, I knew that my deepest desire was still to please the Lord. In my weak and faltering spirit, I wanted yet to be able to do something for Him, here on earth, before I died. I prayed earnestly for Christ to guide me back to the path where He wanted me to be, so I could know what to do. There is joy on the path where God guides us. My joy was gone, so I knew I was floundering.
* Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight. Psalm 119:35 And in my searching, the second beatitude spoke loudly and clearly to me. It was almost as though Jesus had put it there for me:
* Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4 God's comfort is more wonderful than any human comfort. Oh, how I praise my Heavenly Father, who cares so much about His children, that He goes to where they are, when they call Him. He leans over, and lifts them from their pools of misery, whether it be sin or sorrow. He sets their feet upon a stone, and puts a new song in their mouth!
I love You, Father! I praise You! Thank You for loving me, and caring about me, even when I fall. May You always bring my feet back to Your path, and my fingers to the right keys. I want my life, my words and my actions to be what they should be. I praise You, Father.
Only our Heavenly Father God is able to erase the pain we feel. Only He can give us a new song to replace our anguished tears. Only He loves us enough to bless us, no matter how far off the path we have strayed, or how far into a pit we have fallen. He has endless compassion for His children, and tender mercies unlimited.
As I was growing up, our church pastor, my dear uncle, Dr. Wilfred Gunderson, always ended each Sunday morning sermon, with these three verses. The congregation quoted them together, and thus, I have never forgotten.
* The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Lord make his face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Numbers 6; 24,25,26
I always left the service feeling blessed. And now, nearly half a century since I first learned those verses, those words still bless me.
Praise Him from Whom all blessings flow.