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 Top 'O the Morning!

     I am not a morning person by nature. I tend to start out slowly, dragging. One of my adult sons, Jordan, was blessed with a strong and cheerful spirit. He lives here at home, and is a great encouragement to my husband and me. His sense of humor is lively and droll, and gets us laughing every single day.

     Every morning Jordan comes in even before his coffee, and usually the first thing he says is: "Top 'o the morning to you!" I look up, and his face has a big smile. That is so encouraging. Immediately I find myself smiling! His cheerful ways invite a person to be warm and loving in return. I want to be more like that.

* .. in thy presence is fulness of joy... Psa 16:11b

* Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice. Psa 32:11a

     Christian parents should keep themselves aware of their children's personalities. There's more to this, than working on weeding out the negative parts. If they look, they should be able to find characteristics of Jesus in every one of their children. One might be especially tender and caring. One might be very much concerned with fairness and rightness. One might be unusually forgiving. One might have a gift for encouraging people. One might be good at communicating with others, and find witnessing for Christ easy. One might be eager to defend the causes of the poor and defenseless. One might have a special heart for people with disabilities. One might be patient. One might be humble. One might be especially honest. Many will have more than one in their personality and character. These are the gifts a parent should nurture. The best way to nurture these gifts, is with cheer and encouragement.

     Jesus often made a point of cheering people, when He was on earth. After all, God created cheer, and happiness. The Bible points out clearly that there will be an abundance of happiness and joy in Heaven. It is wonderful to remember that there are no tears in Heaven. Even on this sinful earth, God gives happy things to us often. A smile, a kind letter, a beautiful day. It is necessary though, that we lift our eyes, and pay attention, or we might miss the joy. Without cheer, there is little strength.

* The joy of the Lord is your strength. Neh 8:10b

     I think cheer in life is like the yeast in bread. Being sad causes a person to remain flat, unable to rise, and without buoyancy. It is much more difficult to handle life's sorrows, when your spirit is heavy. I believe it saddens God, when His beloved children remain downhearted too long, though there are times when He does allow it.

* A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; Ecc 3:4

* He hath made every thing beautiful in his time. Ecc 3:11

     I believe, some people are born with downhearted dispositions. I believe it is much harder for these people to actively search out the delights in life. Being of a downhearted personality is a disability, of sorts. It takes much more effort to grasp for joy when heavy with downheartedness. I liken this to an old person struggling along on crutches, as opposed to a young person running effortlessly. Or maybe, someone trying to get out of a slough. There is mud in their eyes, and it is not possible for them to even see the strong branch that might be near them, ready to grasp. I have, unfortunately, been a sorry witness to one of the strong, cheerful Christians, who was without mercy, and sharply reproached a person who was downhearted, for not being stronger. That is like scolding a child who was born unable to walk, for not being able to. What worse thing could one person do to another? I think we must be tender with downhearted people. God could do a miracle for them, and He might. But in the meantime, a person is who they are. The basic parts are already there, though some likely not used yet. A quiet person is not likely to become a public speaker (though I have seen this), and a sociable, outgoing person is not likely to choose to go up a mountain and live alone (though I have seen this too). A happy person will be able to spread gifts of joy easily. A downhearted person may have gifts that they can give better than the happy person. Gifts perhaps, of a keen awareness of other people's feelings. A comfort that only another sorrowing person can give, having known it themselves.

     God created every one of us different from the next. As human beings, we relate most easily to others with similar characteristics. But everyone has the capability of empathy, even if they have never used it. Empathy is a very important gift, that everyone should nurture within themselves. Empathy is the gift that causes us to reach out to others, to care, or help or cheer. Jesus has more empathy than any of us could have. No matter what kind of person we are, he holds his arms out to us, with love, care, and a warm smile of encouragement.

     Seven times in the Bible, (KJV) the words appear: "be of good cheer". I think that is significant.

* These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

* Wherefore ... be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me. Act 27:25

* Jesus ... said ... be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee. Matt 9:2b

* But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. Matt 14:27

Every day the Lord Himself is near me
With a special mercy for each hour;
All my cares He fain would bear, and cheer me,
He whose name is Counselor and Pow'r.

-Lina Sandel Berg 1832 - 1903

© 2004 Rosemary Gwaltney