Christ's Choice For Me
I would have chosen a sunlit path,
All strewn with roses fair,
With never a cloud to darken my way--
Nor a shade of anxious care.
He chose for me a better way--
Not sunshine or roses sweet
But clouds o'er head and thorns below
That cut and hurt my feet.
I have deep joys of another kind;
My Rose of Sharon is He:
And as for sunshine-His lovely face
Is perfect sunshine to me.
Catherine S. Miller
* For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
If I were left to plan my own life, the path I would have chosen would have been so far from the path I've actually walked. I didn't want extravagant things like great riches and fame. I just wanted a simple life full of love, sunshine, and laughter, with never a thought of loneliness, darkest clouds, and tears. But when very young my life was filled with suffering, and so many of the years that are supposed to be so carefree were filled with heartache and burdens that seemed far too great to bear. Oh, how I cried to God from the depths of my soul, and pleaded with Him to take all the suffering away, and give me GOOD things. What I didn't realize was that He in such love and tenderness was giving me gifts --- gifts that I had no idea how to choose myself.
He hasn't given me the main thing I've passionately wanted ever since I was a tiny little girl, but He's given me the grace to trust Him in the dark. He's given me suffering, and anguish that could never be expressed, and given me His own comfort and joy that thrills me to the depths of my soul. He's given me depths of loneliness, and shown me the greatness of His love. He's given me to be deeply wronged, and given me His own power to forgive. He's given me a broken shattered life, and shown me the greatness of His healing power. He's given me great weakness, that I might have His perfect strength.
Now those same things that I cried in great anguish for God to take away, I have sincerely thanked Him for many times from the depths of my heart. It's not that I don't feel the pain of the suffering anymore. I still go through very dark times sometimes. The tears still fall heavily at times. But I know that there is no other way I would have ever learned many of the richest lessons He has taught me. If my life had been pure sunshine and joy, I never would have sought Him the way that I had to when there was no other way to cope. And I never would have found the unspeakable depths and richness of His power and love, if I had never felt the depths of darkness and pain. I'm sure I've only barely scratched the surface in learning to know Him, and I'm sure He has so much more to teach me. I have no idea what the future may hold, and it wouldn't be honest to say I never have any fear, but I do know that I want my Savior to choose the path. And I know that no matter how lush and green, or how rocky and steep His path will be, it will be the BEST, because perfect love and perfect wisdom can only choose the best.
God knows, not I, when I'd fain
Have walked in pastures green and fair,
The path He pointed me hath lain
Through rocky deserts, bleak and bare.
I blindly trust, since 'tis His will;
This way lies safely, that way ill.
His perfect plan I cannot grasp;
Yet I can trust Love infinite,
And with my feeble fingers clasp
The Hand that leads me to the light.
My soul upon the errand goes;
The end I know not; but God knows.
Author Unknown
2004 A Sister In Christ