Set a Watch, Oh Lord, Before My MouthEver since I was a little girl I've heard the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Somehow I never really found it to be true. I'm sure that there are others that aren't nearly as sensitive as I am, but I've never been able to get beyond being deeply hurt by harsh words. The kind of words that are carelessly, thoughtlessly spoken, in a moment of frustration, and often forgotten about in a moment, by the speaker. But they may live on in the heart of the one spoken to, filling it with questions and anguish for days, weeks, months, or years. I don't know how many countless hours I've spent just wondering WHY someone said something. What did I do to frustrate them? How do I make sure to never frustrate them again, when I don't even know what caused the sharp words? Are they frustrated and resentful of me for some reason that I have no idea of, and so it comes out when there is no obvious cause for it? I've found myself totally tortured over things like this throughout my life, but the ones that spoke the words never knew. I just smiled, and maybe said something light and cheery, and agonized over them in my heart in private. I still don't do much better coping with someone else's rough words, but it's given me a deep desire for the Lord to take total control of my heart and mouth, so that no one is suffering because of something that came out of my lips. My Heavenly Father tells me of a virtuous woman: * "She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Prov. 31:26 There's great power in words, either for biting pain or deep soothing comfort. I've felt both in my life. And I know that I only ever want the words that come out of my own mouth to be for someone else's good. This world is filled with deep pain and heartache. Everyone will have suffering at one time or another. Often those we brush shoulders with every day carry heavy burdens, and deep pain, beneath the smiles they put on for others. Thoughtless ill-tempered words can cut to the very core of the heart, when it's already burdened and sad and lonely. How it must hurt our tender loving Savior to hear His own children, giving wounds to others with their tongues. He is "the God of all comfort" (2 Cor. 1:3), and it is deeply sad when His own children who are supposed to represent him to the world, are giving heartache and pain instead of comfort. Often it's just because they are not really thinking of others. They don't intend to give deep cutting pain that lasts and lasts. They are just frustrated at the moment. The frustration may not be so much with the one they are lashing out at, but with something else. Instead of thinking about the feelings of others, harsh, sharp words come spilling out, and they feel a bit of relief for having blown off some steam, and go on almost forgetting they ever spoke them---never dreaming of the suffering in the sensitive heart that was the recipient of their words. * Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in they sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalms 19:14 * Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Psalms 141:3 * Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: Ecc. 5:2 I'm often totally amazed at the great power of tiny things. Just some gentle, tender, caring words when I'm weary and sad, but the comfort they give is so deep, and lasts on and on. Just a little letter that tells me someone is thinking of me, and a lonely dark day suddenly seems so much bright. Just a big loving smile that only takes a few seconds to give, but the warmth of it lasts so long. Just a few sharp, harsh words, but the pain of it lasts on and on. Just an unloving, uncaring attitude displayed for a moment, but the gloom of it goes so deep. Our loving Heavenly Father who yearns for each one of us to be comforted, asks us to comfort others with our words, and to have patience with everyone. * Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Prov. 16:24 * The mouth of the righteous is a well of life. Prov. 10:11 * The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; Ecc. 10:12 * Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thess. 4:18 * "Comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient towards all men." 1 Thess. 5:15 Lord, I give you my heart and my mouth. Oh Father, help me never to forget the power of my words either for great comfort or deep hurt. Help my words to always be deeply pleasing to you. Fill me to overflowing with the beauty of Jesus, so that I don't have those sharp words in my heart that spill out when I feel frustration at something. Help me to always be gentle, tender, and sweet to others, and bring Your tender love and care into their dear hearts. When I do feel some frustration, Father, set a watch before my mouth, and help me to never speak in a foolish thoughtless way that will cause others pain and suffering. 2004 A Sister In Christ |