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   Then Starr was back up, no wraps, just dancing her heart out! She has such grace. Oh, how much I love her! Her innocence of the world's evils, and her joy in moving her body in rhythm to the music is a gift from God. See the next page for more pictures of her dancing.

   This gives me a thought. I have seen many adults with Down's Syndrome at Wal-Mart. And one sad looking man with a mental disability who works at a grocery store in town. Couldn't we just offer music, pop, chips, and see if, for a few hours, these people could just have fun? No one invites these people over. No one thinks about them having fun. If they're anything like my children, it would not be hard to make them happy. Oh, how I would love to see them all dancing like mine do! Do I have the energy for this? Now that's another question.

   But oh, it was fun. I used to do this all the time with my children, but it's been quite a while now. I could almost feel God smiling down at my two daughters, who are so in touch with Him, and very much untouched by evil. They enjoy life in such a pure way, simply joyful.

   Later, when we were all tired of dancing, each of us cuddled up in two of these wonderful, warm fleece wraps, sat down, and just listened to the music. My daughters still imagined the audience in the field.

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Small Amimation

html done by D. W. Graffix