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  My precious daughter Sarah was given to me in a private adoption. I received her straight from the hospital, where she had been since her extremely premature birth. The thrill in my heart was indescribable!

  Since she had a little sister who had shared the womb with her, whom I named Sheena, the two of them filled both my arms!

  Sarah had been born at only 14 inches long, and 2 lbs. 10 oz. She was 4 lbs. 15 oz., and 18 inches long when she became my daughter.

  There couldn't have been a baby who was loved more from the start, and who had more laps to be cuddled in! My babies had so many older brothers and sisters, that there was always a tender lap to snuggle in, and a gentle hand to give a bottle. Sarah's pages have just been created, so her story isn't written down yet, here. But I have so many journals filled, that I'll only need a tiny fraction, to tell her story!