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 A Dry Land

“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is.”

Psalm 63: 1
King James Version

There are times when our hearts are so hungry to know that somebody really loves us.  I was talking with a friend over the phone a few minutes ago and she told me that she puts on her mask of being happy when she goes out and is with others, but inside she is hurting.  I think that if we were honest with ourselves, and with each other, all of us put on a mask to some degree.  

We don’t want to let anyone see how we really feel for fear of being rejected and hurt.  I did the same thing for many years.  I would pretend that everything was just fine, but inside I was hurting so badly it was like someone twisting a knife in my heart all the time.  

Jesus has not been here for over two thousand years.  He has left us to hug for Him.  We are the ones to reach out and let others know how much Jesus Loves them by the way we treat them.  We need to understand that when someone is hurting, that person needs to know right at that moment that someone cares and understands.  

There are committees formed to discuss hunger and how to meet the need financially.  People who are hurting don’t have time for committees.  If we would only open our hearts to each other, we could assure that person of the Love of Jesus for him or her.  If your heart is thirsty today for love and acceptance, reach out to Jesus.  He Loves you Unconditionally and He understands and feels your pain.  

(C) March 24, 2006 Joanne Lowe

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