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Playing Around...

Of course I always found time to play around with the kids! After all, that is where the REAL fun is!! These are my playful moments with both the younger kids, as well as the older kids! Who says you have to grow up?

This was taken by one of the kids...she tried! ANY time we went outside during playtime, we were MOBBED my kids...but we didn't complain!

Ok, NOT the most attractive picture of me, but my new friend Florence, wanted to know what she would look like with long blonde hair like mine. What do you think...should we trade?

Some of the girls I worked with on a quilt the first new friends!

How cute are these kids?! Some little ones coming to join me and a crowd of kids I'm playing with.

This little boy was so cute! Every time I came out to play, he was one of the first ones to grab my hand, and he would stay by my side until I left. Have you ever seen a kid totally entertained by a tire? I can't count how many times I saw children pushing this tire around!

Some of the "babies" trying to pucker up with me! Here's a kiss from Kenya!!

Here are the kids playing on the swings, don't ask me why this was so's just because THEY are so cute!

The girls welcomed me into their dorm one night, when I stayed late. They were all enjoying their treats they had stashed away, since they had just had a parents weekend.

We hiked the "mountain" with all the girls we had been working with. Last time I was unable to go with my group, because I was locked away finishing up the inventory of the library books. This time I made it a point to go. Along the way we had some boys join us...they just followed along after the Mzungu.

I just loved watching the colors "run" down the hillside. I took my time coming down, so I could speak with some of the girls. We had a wonderful chat about all the things they had learned, and what they were planning with their lives. We chatted about the differences between where I am from, and where they are from. I felt like I had missed out on some of that over the two weeks we were in Molo, so I thought I would take the time then to be a part of it. I also wanted to see what they had learned, and if any of it had stuck with them...thankfully the girls I talked with really got that it's education first, boyfriends later! And I was not the one to teach them that either...though I can't say I didn't do my part in reinforcing that ideal!

Pat brought a kite for the kids to play with, and they just LOVED it! They played with it for hours, and every time we were near the "playground" the little ones would beg for the kite.

The children in Kenya LOVE to sing! And this little girl (center) is no exception. Every time I saw her, she would ask if she could sing to me.

This darling little girl said the most precious thing to me! The last day that we were in Molo, I went into the baby class, and the children were talking to me. They were asking me if I was going to be coming back the next day, and I told them that I had to return to my home, so I wouldn't be back. This beautiful little girl looked at me and said, "Then we shall sing you home!" Oh, can I just say that my heart was struck!!! How sweet is that?! I had to finish some of my inventory work, and they needed to finish their lessons, so I told them that I would return in the afternoon so they could SING ME HOME! It's a very good thing that I took a tape recorder over, because that is one of the most precious moments to me!

SINGING ME HOME...of all the days to leave my GOOD camera behind! GRRRRR!!



