I saw my c-pawn hanging and as I cannot save the rook I played 17. Na3, 0-0
And here I tried 18. Bg3? again wanting to stay on my e-pawn (Much Better was 18. Be3) Now my opponent took on f1 18...Bxf1 and I retook (thwaps self) with 19. Kxf1?? (correct was 19. Qxf1 avoiding the combination in the game) when I got stunned by 19...Rxf2+! ouch. 20. Bxf2, Rf8 (my bishop is doubly-pinned). 21. Rd1, Bxf2 22. Qe2? (I had to bite the bullet and give up my queen for rook and bishop with 22. Qxf2 though black still has the advantage.) and now comes the onslaught 22...Be3+ 23. Ke1, Qh4+ 24. g3, Qe4
I resigned. It's mate in 5 at most.