The vatican is pro P.LO i have no doubt whatsoever.
Anyone who has read history knows that the vatican has fought for jerusalem since its founding, it has always wanted to get its hands in jerusalem just like satan has and still does.
And even now at the end of 2002 it still is seeking its and his (satans) goal of ruling jerusalem.
And anyone who has read the new testament knows this is not the Spirit of christ at work, but is fleshly worldy and of the devil, for the early church werent interested in owning jerusalem in a temperol way, they wanted the new jerusalem to help the temperol bricks and morter jerusalem and its people, they worked at this by one means alone PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF RECONCIALIATION OF GOD THE FATHER TO MANKIND THROUGH JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD AND BY BUILDING UP THE TRUE CHURCH THAT WAS SLAUGHTERED BY ROME AND BY THE RED DRAGONS NEW FORM OF RELGION THAT IS SPOKEN OF IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION
THE SECOND BEAST WITH HORNS LIKE A LAMB ( looks like its of christ)
BUT THE MOUTH OF A DRAGON (seaks not of the Holy Spirit but of the world of satan, yet uses a religious basis like a lamb like a wolf in sheeps clothing teaching and acting out doctrines of demons and agreeing with the world and decieving the world THE FALSE PROPHET!).
but what has the vatican and popes crusade for the holy land achieved?
the work of the devil , totally and on purpose, for God does not direct the vatican and never has, that is why it has over the pages of history killed more jews moslems and christians than hitlers third riech and final solution could ever hope to achieve.
It is true islam has killed also , but christanity was never just another relgion until constantine made it so and it turned into the new roman empire, the vatican the new palace of a new and very decptive ceaser, able to subdue kings not only by war but through a very clever maiplution of religious conscience, and at the same time decieve them about christs real purpose teaching and kingdom.
Now the enemy who according to the prophet daniel will destroy many by peace, has given the world a new way to fulfill his purpose, instead of by war and conquest employed by the vatican over the ages, he now will use his most clever and deceptive method "peace and security "
a strange peace that leads to and was designed to bring only destruction.
St Paul talks about this strange evil working of a "PEACE AND SECURITY " (original greek is security, modern corruptions of the language render it as safety, which in the end means the same thing but these days we need a shock ingly plain match word for word to stop the blindness.So im using the orginal greek)
St Paul in the book of thesselonians ,says the world will be talking about peace and security just prior to the return of Jesus christ
who he knew as king of kings Lord of Lords and the SON OF THE LIVING GOD.
The united nations official homepage has a graphic summary of A WHOLE GLOBAL PEACE AND SECURITY intiative now underway globaly , including cheifly as the amin focus Jerusalem and the arab /isreali conflict.
This seems and sounds the answer, unmistakedly you could argue peace and security agrements are surely better than a persual of war as a means of bringing peace.
but in truth thse instituitions bring both don t they?
i mean they decide what war to back and fight and they also decide peace.
God lets them its a fact,
and Jesus himself said wars will come, he made it plain,
he also made it plain that the peace he offered us was not as the world gives peace,
The Prophet daniel likewise said (War shall continue UNTIL THE END0
For all scripture is true, and as we know the apostle of Chrst Jesus St Paul was speaking by the true Spirit the Holy Spirit of God when he foretold the present push and talk of peace and security we are witnesing today,
also the Prophet daiel spoke of one who "by peace would destroy many"
The centre of it foccusses on Jerusalem which has become(just as the prophet zachariah said speaking by the spirit of christ said )
So the united nations and the whole world leadership including the vatican are working out satans master plan of deception totally unaware possibly that that is what they are doing.
which will if succesful lead to robbing God of his land, which is a bit like you giving me your wordly goods in exchange for me not slitting your throat- extortion in anyones book surely and no way to bring about justice for either party involved.
Also it is plain that the present day situtaion of land in the mideast crisis is without doubt the fault of the british crowns dividing of the land back in 1948, it has led quite clearly to the present crisis.
Also the arabs have purposefully abandond the arabs in the west bank area and gaza stri areas for years, with the total consent of the P.L.O leadership so as to use them to always make Isreal look like an agressor, they have never wanted peace with isreal and never will until they are saved.
They want to destroy isreal totally as the arabs backed by the abomination of judaic law that calls itself islam are decieved into being satans tool against the isreal who are still Holy and dealy beloeved on account of the patriachs, in other words still chosen people.
Another goal of satan via the peace and security agreement ( not to metion the war on terrorism )is the setting up a one world multifaith religious church headed by the Prince to come or antimessiah and the false prophet.
the decieving of the jews by this multifaith peace and security and multifaith aloowance f the rebuilding of the jewish temple at the say so of this prince to come whh confirms the validity of the old testament covenet which has passed away.
the vatican is central to the succes of both the poiltical peace and security and the adds extra resepct for the multifaith movements relgious peace and security of a new one world multifaith church that allows the jews to be decieved by the antimessiah who will by this decieve the whole unsaved world.
and bring eventual spiritual hell on earth with no escape.
The dealings of the present pope in both these matters is exactly what you would expect the false prophet who backs up the prince to come to do.
he has signed a covenet with yasser arafat that gives him total automony over all relgious sites jewish christan and muslim and any other in jerusalem, once the isreal arab peace for land - peace and security deal is succefsul and arafat gets east jerusalem.
again this is about easy choices.
easy ways- the dream of a godless or false god utopia to be exact , taken advantage of by satans last ditch effort to save his skin.
yet it will fail, but he will and indeed is trying for it now as you read this, as is evident by present day world events.
I could list all the earthquakes floods and many other real signs that are and will continue for more evidence of the truth that indeed we are living in the very end times.