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The Accident
© 2001 Ian Lumley

Mother sat down wearily and looked at him. "Jack, what am I going to do with you at all?”

‘Don’t know mam.’

‘But you’re old enough to know better.’

‘I’m sorry mam. I won’t do it again.’

‘When your father finds out…’

‘Please don’t tell him mam…’

‘And how do you think I can keep it from him? Half the street will be talking about this in no time.’

‘I didn’t mean to do it… it just sort of happened… things got out of control…’

‘And what’s the girl’s parents going to say? We’ll have to go and see them.’

‘I’m sorry mam. It was an accident.’

‘Accident! My God. Accident? There’s no excuse Jack. You’ve been warned all about it. If you had to be stupid, you should have taken  precautions.’

‘Sorry mam.’

‘Sorry? It’s not much use saying sorry to me. You’ve got to go and see that poor girls parents and face up to things. It was just as much your responsibility as it was hers. She has seen the doctor hasn’t she?’

‘Yes mam…’

‘I’m clutching at straws I suppose. Hoping against hope.’

‘We didn’t mean to mam honest…’

Yes… well.. I suppose the pair of you just weren’t… aren’t mature enough… but you must promise me one thing Jack…’

‘Yes mam… anything…’

‘Don’t you ever go up that hill for water with Jill again. You’ve got away with it lightly this time. Heaven knows what could have happened.’

‘All right mam.’
