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Celtic Society of Christ Communications Page
Monday, 5 April 2004
Traditional Irish Easter Celebrations
Topic: Easter Celebrations
For Easter, traditionally the Irish would first Clean their house thoroughly inside and out and have whitewash applied. They would also obtain new clothes.

Good Friday
Do no work on the land just in the house.
Fast More than is Required on Good Friday.
Good Friday- Plant a small amount of crop seed to bring blessing on it all.
Shed no blood on Good Friday, work no wood, hammer no nail .
Maintain quiet on good Friday from Noon till three P.M.
Visit church-take off shoes-good Friday. Visit holy wells and graveyards.
Do not fish with nets or lines on Good Friday no fishing boat puts out to sea alternatively gather bia tragha-shore food-seaweed and shellfish for the Main meal.
Cut your hair on good Friday to prevent headaches in the year to come-trim finger and toe nails.
Water from the holy well will have curative properties on Good Friday.
A child born on Good Friday and baptized on Easter Sunday had gift of healing. (if a boy he should go into the ministry) die on good Friday go right the heaven.
Eggs laid on Good Friday-Mark with cross and each eat one on Easter Sunday. Eggs Hatching on that day will produce healthy chicks.

Easter Saturday
Have Holy water blessed.
Drink three sips of holy water each for health. Sprinkle on everything for good luck.
Bring cinders from the Paschal fire to be blessed.

Easter Sunday

Butchers have mock funeral for a herring symbolizing end to abstinence.-whip the herring, have a procession involving the herring.
Go to church and then herring procession.
Go up at sunrise to view the sun dancing with joy.
View the reflection of the sun in a pail of water and move it so the sun appears to dance.
Do something with eggs. Give them, color them
Have a Cludog or cluideog ritual-children collect and cook eggs and other food in a structure which they make on the edge of the farm-roasted eggs.
Brightly dressed Tobies go from place to place to demand the eggs of Easter Singing, dancing dressed in bright colored rags.
Keep shells of Easter eggs for the May bush.
Roll eggs to race them.-may be Presbyterian custom.
Have feast on Easter-Kill a cow if you can-
Take down the Spoilin meith na hlnide-little piece of meat pinned up at lent and burn it giving house a rich smell
Have a Cake Dance. Cake being the prize for best dancer. Easter cake dance-a pruthog.
Go to a "Sunday's" well-have a bonfire.

Posted by journal2/csoc at 11:38 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 18 April 2004 11:18 PM CDT
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