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Thin Places Of Ireland

Look through the Cross Of Old and you will begind to find some very thin places waiting for you. Places where Heaven and Earth seem to meet.


Tobar Mhuire (Mary’s Well)-Killargue, Leitrim Ireland

The holy well has been modernized creating the impression of a Lourdes-like grotto and is the focus of much local devotion. A very old stone cross is near the well. The well is said to have been attach ed to an ancient church site know as Cill Fearga, founded by a holy woman, St. Fearga in the 6th century. Stations Of The Cross were performed on days dedicated to the Virgin Mary- Feb. 2nd, March 25th, Aug. 15th and Sep 8th.

Creevelea Abbey-Dromahair Leitrim Ireland

Beside the River Bonet are the ruins of the Franciscan Abbey of Creevela, the last Franciscan friary built before the English Suppression. The Abbey was built in 1508 at the instigation of Margaret O’Brien, wife of the local lord, Eoghan O’Rouke. Despite the suppression and wars, the friars clung tenaciously to the placed until around 1598 when the English occupied and ruined parts of the friary. After this the Friars built another house were they stayed on and off for the rest of the 17th century. The Friary has substantial, well preserved remains, including a transept, east window, cloister and in the north wing carvings of St. Francis preaching to the birds and another stigmatic saint can be seen on the pillars of the cloisters.

Devenish Island Monastery-Enniskillen, North Ireland

This island Monastic site situated a mile downstream from Enniskillen on the Lower Lough Erne is only accessible by boat. The monastery was founded by St. Molaise around the 560s and remained in use until the 17th Century. This is one of the best-preserved monastic sites in all of Ireland. It covered 70 acres and was a busy settlement of several churches, a 81 ft. tower, cells for monks, refectory and kitchen, workshops, stores, farm buildings, gardens, orchards, arable fields and pastures.

Many More Pictures Are Coming Soon!
