Talking to Divinity the-other-day, felt their eyes boring straight through me. Wondered if this is what judgement feels like. Laughed they “No judgement do we pass. We just watch and laugh.” Knew there had to be something to learn from these omniscients, so I hung around a while. I saw death down on earth, though I was way up on cloud nine, I wondered why they didn’t stop it. Echoed through my mind, “no judgement do we pass” wondered if they found it funny, but looked up and saw their tears fall to the ground. Grinned, knowing finally what really made the rain. Saw a drought, I saw people thirsting but wondered why they didn’t cry for these. I noticed then that their tears had been wholely shed for the dying in New York. Nothing left for the dryness in Djibuti. Mother Nature will have to nurture those. I saw Gaia passed out, choking on industrialized air. Wondered if my tears were just wasted anyway. Looked up into shocked eyes, who focused on the single leaf sprouting from cracked ground, feeding off salty water from my eyes.

Walked outside today and smiled at a stranger thinking of greenery in a drought.

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