Mood: energetic
Topic: Crochet page update
Yay! It's finally done!
I've got another shawl made, and this one seems to be testing very well! It's called my Going to the Playoffs shawl, and I'm going to bundle it with the regular pattern for the Seraphina's Shawl. I've got it on my webpage, and they'll be ready to ship by friday of this week! Yay!
The link is at the top of the links list on my home page. :)
So far, everyone who's tested it has liked it, though there seem to be some issues with the thinner yarns, that I need to work out real quick. Fortunately, that won't take long.
Nothing else much happening in my world. We're going to try to get some things done around the house today, since Sal's off work. Wheee! I think I feel the need to paint a ceiling... or a bathroom. Either way, there's plenty of work to be had. :P
Hopefully, I'll have some more shawl designs soon!