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They say I'm ADCraftD...
Thursday, 14 October 2004
Thursday blues
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: What's next?
Topic: sprang stuff
Okay, so this past weekend really rocked!

I'm in the Society for Creative Anachronism. This is a medieval re-creation society, focusing on the best of the middle ages. We study their arts and sciences, do a little fighting... well, I don't fight, but there are lots of people who do. And we have kings, queens, etc, and it's all educational and fun and we get to wear nifty clothes a lot.

This past weekend, there was a war between the East Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Atlantia. I live in Atlantia. Atlantia won the war, but it was a very close thing. I believe that the A&S war point was the one that put us over the top. That's what I was told, anyhow.

So why am I so happy??? Because there was a tournament for the arts and sciences. It was the Laurels Prize Tourney. Basically, anyone interested in entering had to put out their display on the tables in the A&S hall. Between 1-3, we had to sit with our entries and answer questions from all those who asked, and generally show what we really knew about what we do. I got to sit beside a good friend of mine. I also got to answer a few questions about my stuff, but not that much. I was surprised at that.

So imagine my surprise when, during Atlantian Court that evening, they announced the winner of the tourney... and it was me!!! I still really can't believe it. There were so many other entries that far outshone mine, in my opinion. But the Laurels chose me. Who knew??

So anyway... I tell you that to lead into this...

I need to do more sprang. I'm going to be working on a few projects over the next few months, getting together my research, and generally ramping up my entry and documentation. The next project, I think, will be leggings. I have a plan (which I won't go into here) for the next year or so in the SCA, as far as entering or displaying my work. I'm hoping that the plan will actually happen... and I think it will. Though there's not a lot more actual book research I can do, there's a LOT of hands-on stuff that can be done, and that's the direction I'm going to take this in now. I'll keep adding sources to my bibliography, and revising my documentation as I find (or am sent) new pieces of information, but I believe, at this point, that my time can be better spent actually DOING what I'm researching, rather than spending countless hours in a library, trying to find snippets of information buried in weighty tomes about other subjects.

I've got several people who are now coming across references to sprang in the books on their subject, and they've promised to send me what info they can on it. That's all I can ask, as there's no way I can afford to go out and buy ten books on bobbin lace, just to get 2 pages' worth of documentation.

So that's the plan! Leggings next, then I'm going to work on larger pieces of material, such as for an altar cloth or household goods. there's so much that can be done, and so much that it makes sense it WOULD have been done... my job now is to narrow it down to what probably would have been done. Since there are very few extant examples, there's really a lot of wiggle room. Fortunately, Atlantia has some of the nicest and most open-minded laurels in the Known World (okay, so I'm biased -grin-), and they seem to like it when I experiment. As long as I'm trying to use period methods and materials, and as long as I don't present something undocumentable as 'period', they seem to be okay with that.

Check in periodically. I'm going to be working on this a bunch over the next few months! :)

Posted by journal2/donisfuff at 7:29 AM EDT
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Sunday, 3 October 2004
Wonderful new yarn!!!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Yarn finds
I picked up a skein of Red Heart Symphony yarn the other day, since it was there and I needed something new in my yarn stash. :)


If you haven't used this yarn for anything, go get a ball of it and experiment! It's so light, fluffy, and rich!

I'm making a poncho in the gray Symphony, and it's coming out beautifully. I use a size P hook for this, and managed to get a panel and about a quarter for the poncho. (I'm doing a two rectangle poncho, which seems to be the rage right now... good thing... it's so easy and quick!)

Anyhow, you NEED to try this yarn. But be warned... if you need to tear someone out, be patient and take it slow, as the long 'mohair' like fibers tend to grab each other a lot.

I don't know yet how this will wash up, but I'm guessing that it should be done very carefully, with mild soap and very little agitation, to avoid matting or felting. I'll have to see if there's enough left over to do a washing test.

Just wanted to share that! If you haven't been to the yarn section of Walmart lately, go visit. They've got a lot more specialty yarns than I recall them ever having. I love seeing that, as the nearest yarn store or larger craft store is half an hour away, and Wally World is just 5 minutes away. 'Bout time they started getting in the good stuff! :)

have fun!

Posted by journal2/donisfuff at 7:42 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 September 2004
New Blog! Yay me. :)
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Crochet page update
Greetings to all who manage to get this far. :)

For those who've come here from my website, I wanted to let you know that the booklets are going to be ready very soon.

If you want to know why they've been delayed so long, please keep reading. Otherwise, skip ahead to the next section. -grin-

Right after I put up that the books would be ready soon, I started having a serious decline in my health, which hasn't been good in years now. That's a real shame, since I'm only just about to turn 34. Pathetic, really.

Anyhow, so I ended up spending last spring and summer just trying to get through the days without taking a nap or two. Turns out, I had chronic and acute anemia. Who knew?

So I'm now on meds, I'm going for a biopsy next week, and if all goes well with that, I should be back up to speed very soon.

I'm shooting to have the website updated, my booklets and kits done and ready to ship, and my holiday line of painted ornaments, shawls, and Floopy! wear ready to go within the next month or so. I've got several craft shows to do this fall, and I need to get all of the above done, so that I'm not scrambling to get it done the week before the shows. eeep!

So that should be done soon. Please e-mail me at donistuff @, if you want to be added to the mailing list for when the booklets are sent out.

Having a website means that your e-mail addy gets harvested, and yahoo simply can't keep up with the amount of spam I was getting. Basically, if your letter got stuck in the bulk e-mail, it got to the point where I couldn't even go through that one, because I've been getting upwards of 400 e-mails a day, and probably less than 10 a day are having to do with the website. (I really really really don't need a breast enlargement. I really wish they'd stop offering!)

So if you have not heard from me, please e-mail me again. Hopefully, since I now have the new e-mail, I'll be able to get back to you much quicker. And PLEASE put the subject of your e-mail into the subject line! OTherwise, my spam filters WILL kick it out and I won't get to meet you. :)

And for the record, I LOVE hearing from all of you!!!!

Look for my shawls and other items on e-bay soon. I'll be finished with about 5 of them in the very near future, and plan on putting them up on e-bay for sale. Again, please let me know if you'd like to be put on the list to be notified when I put one up! Make sure to put which list you want to be on, or I'll end up sending you mail for booklets, new e-bay, new pages, etc. :P

That's about it for this time. Please be patient with me. I'm still having good days and bad, but I'm trying very hard to get over the hump and get back on my feet. This fall promises to be very busy, but I'm up to it. It should keep my mind off of my health, and keep me creating pretty stuff to share! :)

Posted by journal2/donisfuff at 8:33 PM EDT
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