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Contact Info:

Neil F. Anderson
RR#1, Scotland, ONT
Canada N0E 1R0




from Verna - Harley, Ontario

Since Neil Anderson put the Labyrinth in for me on the farm, I have seen and felt a lot of changes in the animals and me. After it was put in, in late October the cows seem much quieter and so do the horses. The cows seem to be showing much stronger heat cycles now. In November I was at a banquet when someone came up and put their arm around me, right away I felt something, I immediately called to the divine and the feeling left me. Another time my sister wanted me to go to her place and stay with her husband as he had just had back surgery, while she was at work. While there one night I felt as though someone was in the room with me, when I returned home I contacted Neil and he confirmed what I thought. On January 9th I went to the barn to feed, upon entering the barn I felt as though someone was there. Thinking one of the boys might have gone to the barn ahead of me I turned but no one was there,. Shrugging my shoulders I went on with my work. Entering the Stallions stall I had another funny feeling, again I shrugged it off. Leaving the barn to come to the house I changed my mind and went and walked the Labyrinth. I still felt not right, was coughing and my chest felt tight, that night I phoned Neil and he said I had lost my aura field, it was in the barn. After I got it back I felt a lot better, so I ask Neil if the mare was going to foal that night and he said no not until the 12th, I went to sleep and had a good nights sleep. The mare foaled on the 12th at 5 A.M. nice healthy stud colt and I felt much better after having two good nights sleep. It sure has been a good investment for me as I have felt a lot better.

from Jamie & Fay - Cornwall, P.E.I.

A very belated Thank You for the changes that have occurred on our farm since you constructed the labyrinth in October of '99.

In just 2 1/2 months, some of those changes have been immediate, others are becoming more evident everyday, and some we look forward to.

The most immediate, which happened overnight, was the change in ourselves. For the first time, in a long time, we are sleeping through the night and feel rested when we wake in the morning. The difference is like night and day. We functioned before like zombies (listless and mechanical). Now we can actually think clearly and have control of our lives.

The next morning, when we walked into the barn, we could see a difference in our cows. They seemed more at ease, relaxed and there weren't as many switching tails.

Other improvements we've seen are: better heat detection, less repeat breedings and no mastitis flareups. Our first-time calves seem to be having easier births and aren't nervous when first milked.

We look forward, with anticipation, for changes at spring planting, silage and haying times, also the fall grain harvest, which will bring us full circle of having the labyrinth for a year.

The other people who are connected, to our labyrinth, have experienced similar changes in themselves, as we have.

I could go into alot more detail, however, time does not allow. Thanks again fo the insight into a total change in living.

P.S. We are actually making plans, to escape, for 10-14 days of relaxation. The first such holiday in almost 10 years. Bye for now.