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A Study Guide to
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
A novel by Mark Haddon


Fifteen year old Christopher has a photographic memory. He understands maths. He understands science. What he can't understand is human beings. When he finds his neighbour's dog lying dead on the lawn, he decides to track down the killer and write a murder mystery about it. But what other mysteries will he end up uncovering?

Sample Study Guide

Note : The narrator in the novel has Asperger's Syndrome and because of this, he likes prime numbers.
This is why the chapter numbers are all prime numbers.

Chapter 2

1. What details does the narrator provide about the death of the dog?
2. What is the narrator’s emotional response when he discovers the dead dog?

Chapter 3

1. What is your first impression of Christopher John Francis Boone?
2. Christopher says he understands what the sad and happy face drawings mean but he did not know what the other faces represented. Did you understand what emotions the other faces represented? Why do you think Christopher didn’t understand?
3. What do you think the relationship is between Christopher and Siobhan?

Chapter 5

1. ‘You always know what a dog is thinking’ (4). What did Christopher mean?
2. How did Mrs Shears react when she saw that her dog was dead?

Chapter 7

1. Why does Christopher ‘not like proper novels’ (5)?
2. How do we know that Christopher is open and honest with Siobhan?

Chapter 11

1. Why does Christopher ‘like the police’?
2. How does Christopher react when the policeman questions him about the death of the dog?
3. Why does Christopher hit the policeman?

Chapter 13

1. Why do you think Christopher tells us about the ‘drawn’ joke in this chapter? What do we learn about Christopher as he explains the joke to us?

Chapter 17

1. How does Christopher react when he is arrested?
2. How would you react if you were arrested? Compare this with Christopher’s reaction.
3. Do you find Christopher’s discussion of the stars and the possible end of existence unsettling? Explain.


If you have any questions or you would like to purchase the guide in full,
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Email: Bernadette Sheedy

© 2008 Bernadette Sheedy