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The Forests of Silence by Emily Rodda - A Study Guide



The evil Shadow Lord is plotting to invade Deltora and enslave its people. All that stands against him is the magic Belt of Deltora with its seven gems of great and mysterious power. When the gems are stolen and hidden in dark, terrible places throughout the kingdom, the Shadow Lord triumphs and Deltora is lost.

In secrecy, with only a hand-drawn map to guide them, two unlikely companions set out on a perilous quest. Determined to find the lost gems and rid their land of the tyrant, they struggle towards their first goal – The Forests of Silence.

Part 1 : The Belt of Deltora

Chapter 1 : Thinking

1. Why was Jarred woken up? 2. What was the King’s name? How did he die? 3. Who is Endon? 4. What is the relationship between Jarred and Endon? 5. Who was the ‘sour man they both disliked’? 6. Why was the secret code invented? 7. What was the secret to decoding the messages? 8. What was the Rule? 9. What is the woman in the crowd worried about (5)? 10. Draw a picture of the box that housed the Belt of Deltora. 11. What jewels were in the Belt and what did they symbolise? 12. What happened when Endon had the Belt around his waist? 13. Why do you think the belt is only worn by the King when he takes the throne and not on a daily basis? 14. What do you think motivated Jarred to go to the library? What did he hope to find?


Draw a picture of Endon wearing the Belto of Deltora around his waist. (remember that you should be able to see the gems in the belt and the fact the belt was glowing)


crowd, marble, confusion, mysterious, obedient, dutiful, forbidden, already, curiosity, grieving, stalked, ancient, daughter, wisdom, protect, realm

2 – The Belt of Deltora

Using the terms in the word list, complete the fill in the blanks about the events of chapter 2;

Word List

ancient, first, gem, persuade, mother, Elstred, reign, enemy, Deltora, Belt, library, seven, blacksmith, united, thin, Jarred, hero, palace, Prandine

___________ found a book about the Belt of _____________. It looked small, __________ and dusty. We learn that it was only a few days since Endon’s ________ dies. When he read the book, Jarred learned that in __________ days, Deltora was divided into ________ tribes and each tribe had a ______ with a special power. When an ____ threatened the land, a ______ named Adin (who was a ___________) made the ______ of Deltora to fix the gems into. When the tribes were __________ they drove the enemy from their land. Adin became the ________ king of the united tribes of Deltora. Jarred read that Adin’s grandson, King _______, was the first to stop wearing the Belt. He learned that the _________ was built on the hill in the __________ of King brandon. After leaving the _________, Jarred searched for Endon. He tried to __________ Endon to wear the Belt of Deltora but ________ interrupted him.


Using the information in the chapter, recreate a page from the book Jarred was reading in the library. You can use the information we are given in the chapter as the text on the page or you can write your own which explains, in more detail, something about the history of Deltora.


talisman, enemy, reign, advisor, chapel, outside, ruler, impatience, death, imagining, candle, remembered

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Email: Bernadette Sheedy

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