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A Study Guide to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

What would an english resources page be without a Harry Potter study guide?!


The novel explores many interesting issues and subjects including;

 magic and witchcraft
 school life
 bullies
 mystery and intrigue
 family life
 secrets
 friendship
 courage

Harry Potter is a wizard. At first he has no idea about what his parents were or who is really is. Then, it all changed. Harry turns eleven and suddenly a rough looking giant named Hagrid appears and tells Harry that he needs to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is special for many reasons. His parents were famous and he is famous because when he was a baby an evil wizard named Voldemort (although most call his ‘You-Know-Who’ because they are afraid of him) killed his parents but unsuccessfully tried to kill him. The evil wizard then disappeared. Years later, Harry attends Hogwarts and makes many friends including Hermione and Ron with whom he has many adventures. Harry begins to learn the finer points to magic, how to fly a broomstick and how to be a true friend. This is the first of the four Harry Potter novels and by the end of this one you will certainly want to read the other three.

Study Guide

Chapter One

1. Describe Mr and Mrs Dursley
2. Describe their son Dudley (how he behaves)
3. What ‘peculiar’ thing is spoken about on p8? Why is it ‘peculiar’?
4. What was unusual about the clothing that people were wearing?
5. Why do you think the man who ran into Mr Dursley was happy?
6. Where was the cat sitting?
7. Describe Albus Dumbledore. Draw a picture of him.
8. What did the cat turn into? What is her name?
9. What happened to Lily and James Potter?
10. Who brought Harry to live with his Aunt and Uncle? How did he arrive?

Spelling List

proud, director, large, opinion, flutter, garden, greatest, mysterious, neighbors, tantrum, peculiar, realise, except, nerve, different, opposite, whispering, contrary, imagination, together, angry, suddenly, precious, astounding, explain, silence, visible, famous,

Chapter 2

1. What was ‘special’ about the day?
2. How is Harry treated by his Aunt and Uncle?
3. Why was Dudley going to throw a tantrum?
4. Why did Harry go to the zoo?
5. What is strange about Harry’s hair?
6. What unusual things happen at the zoo?
7. How does Harry react when the snake talks to him?
8. What happened to Harry when they got home?
9. What was Harry told about his parent’s death?
10. How do some strangers act around Harry?

Spelling List

nephew, computer, through, obviously, telephone, snarled, anything, business, punished, dangerous, reptile, vigorously, snake, squeeze, miserable, memory, dreamed, disagree

Chapter 3

1. Which schools are harry and Dudley going to? Why do you think they are being sent to different schools?
2. How was the first letter to Harry addressed?
3. How did Uncle Vernon react to the letter?
4. What was Aunt Petunia afraid of?
5. Why was Harry given Dudley’s second bedroom?
6. What was Harry’s ‘plan’?
7. What did Uncle Vernon make the family do (p35)? Why?
8. How do you think harry felt about all the letters being sent to him?
9. What special event was coming up for Harry?
10. Where did the family end up? Explain how they got there.

Spelling List

Summer, possible, September, comprehensive, television, training, moment, probably, newspaper, library, envelope, ignored, nonsense, favorite, parrot, yesterday, repaired, brought, furious, amazement, direction, sniveled, horrible, shivered

Chapter 4

1. Describe the ‘giant’ who entered the cabin. Draw him according to your description.
2. What did the giant give Harry? What did he do next?
3. Where had we seen this character before?
4. What was Harry supposed to have already known about?
5. Why had his Uncle and Aunt not told him anything?
6. What is a ‘muggle’?
7. Who is the Headmaster at Hogwarts?
8. What is ‘You-Know-Who’s’ real name? What role did he play in Harry’s past?
9. At first Harry doubts he is a wizard. What does he remember on p47 that changes his mind?
10. What does Hagrid do to Dudley?

Spelling List

light, suppose, expelled, urgently, tomorrow, heavily, dreading, furious, smiling, wizard, rubbish, people, scared, anxious, school, tongue, against, sausages

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Harry Potter teaching resources website (very important!!)
Harry Potter Reviews
Harry Potter movie homepage
Harry Potter text and author info
J.K.Rowling info

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