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A Guide to
The Kite Runner
A novel by Khaled Hosseini

Sample from the Unit of Work

Chapters 1-3

1. December 2001 – What was taking place in Afghanistan during this time period?
2. Read the opening paragraph. What emotions do you think the narrator was feeling in that moment?
3. Contrast the images of the locations the narrator describes in the opening chapter.
4. ‘There is a way to be good again’ – What does this line suggest?
5. Describe the relationship between Hassan and the narrator.
6. Describe the house where Amir and his Baba lived.
7. What happened to Amir’s mother?
8. In what ways are Amir’s and Hassan’s lives different?
9. Why do you think Hassan ‘never talked about his mother’?
10. How are the soldiers portrayed in chapter 2?
11. How are the readers positioned to feel about Ali in chapter 2?
12. Who were the Pashtuns?
13. ‘in those dreams, I can never tell Baba from the bear’ – What does this suggest?
14. Why was ‘Mr Hurricane’ an appropriate nickname for Baba?
15. What evidence is there in chapter 3 to suggest Amir is a jealous person?
16. ‘You can’t love a person who lives that way without fearing him too. Maybe even hating him a little’ – Why?
17. ‘there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. ‘ – Do you agree?
18. Describe Amir’s relationship with his father.
19. Do you think Baba wishes he had a stronger connection to Amir? How can you tell?


sapphire, afterthought, princess, Kabul, cinnamon, respective, haemorrhaged, abandoned, notoriously, inheritance, persecuted, ancestry, foundation, garrulous, orphanage, righteous, envisioned, carcass, envious


The unit of work continues by analyzing each chapter through the use of questions,
similar to those in the sample.


If you have any questions or you would like to purchase the guide in full,
please email me using the link below:

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Email: Bernadette Sheedy

© 2008 Bernadette Sheedy