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A Study Guide to the novel (a novel by Dyan Blacklock)

Study Guide written by Ms B Sheedy

Pankration is a novel that deals with issues including;

 challenges in life
 sport / competition
 heroes and role models
 honesty
 faith – religion / gods
 tradition
 change / adaptation
 jealousy
 friendship
 family honor
 loyalty
 truth and justice


Pankration is set in the times of Ancient Greece. It tells the story of a young boy named Nicasylus who is forced to leave his family in Athens because of the plague there. He boards a boat and becomes friends with the Captain named Gellius. The Captain plans to compete in the Olympic Games next year in the Pankration (a type of wrestling event). They plan to go there together. The ship is taken over by pirates and Nic is captured and Gellius badly wounded. The pirate Captain sells Nic into slavery and Gellius is taken in by a fishing village who cares for him. Nic reluctantly adapts to his new life as a goatherd. Eventually he is able to escape after a black slave kills another boy who had planned to kill him. During their escape the black slave becomes very ill and eventually dies. Nic heads off to find Gellius at the Olympic Games. Meanwhile, Gellius has recovered and has trained for nine months for the games (a tradition that is required). Eventually the two friends meet again and share tales. Gellius competes in the Pankration agains the pirate Captain who Nic eventually exposes and is declared the victor.

Chapter Analysis


1. Draw the scene described in the opening paragraph.
2. Where did the fleas come from?

Activity - What is the plague. Write half a page describing what it is and how it is passed on.

How do you feel when you are sick? What different types of symptoms are there for being sick?

Chapter 1

1. Who is a part of Nic’s family?
2. Why is Artemis leaving home? How does Nic feel about her leaving?
3. How did Nic’s real father die?
4. What does Nic compare Pittacus to?
5. What has changed in the household in the morning?
6. How do the ill slaves die?
7. How does Nic feel about the slaves being sick? How is this indicated in the text?

Activity - Draw your family tree. Find out your parents full names and your grandparents names.

Chapter 2

1. Why did Nic’s mother marry again?
2. What does Nic see as he returns home after school?
3. Where is Nic sent?
4. What blessing does Nic’s stepfather say to him as he leaves?
5. What does Gellius plan to do in the future?
6. Describe the Pankration.
7. How does Nic react when told about the games?

Activity - Imagine you had the opportunity to compete in any Olympic event. What would it be and why would you choose to compete in it? Imagine you won gold in this event. Draw a picture of you on the winner’s dais.

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