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A Guide to
The Reluctant Fundamentalist
A novel by Mohsin Hamid

Sample from the Unit of Work

Chapter 1

1. What strikes you as unusual in the opening paragraph?
2. ‘it was your bearing that allowed me to identify you’ – What do you think he means?
3. What is the effect of using so many rhetorical questions in the opening chapter?
4. How did the narrator feel when he first arrived in America? How do you know?
5. What personal information do we learn about the narrator – Changez – in the opening chapter?
6. Why did Jim offer Changez an opportunity at Underwood Samson?
7. What can you deduce about the person Changez is speaking to by the end of chapter 1?
8. Given what Changez says about America and the opportunity he was given, why do you think he has returned to Pakistan?
9. Explain the importance of the following quotes:
a) ‘Princeton made everything possible for me. But it did not, could not, make me forget such things as how I enjoy the tea in this, the city of my birth’
b) ‘The sky was a brilliant blue, so different from the orange, dusty sky above us today’
c) ‘confronted with this reality, one has two choices: pretend all is well or work hard to restore things to what they were’
d) ‘you would have been surprised by the sweetness of his speech, if only you understood Urdu’
e) ‘I see I have alarmed you. Do not be frightened by my beard’
f) ‘allow me to pour you another cup’


The unit of work continues by analyzing each chapter through the use of questions,
similar to those in the sample. The unit also includes three activities based on the novel.


If you have any questions or you would like to purchase the guide in full,
please email me using the link below:

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Email: Bernadette Sheedy

© 2008 Bernadette Sheedy