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A Study Guide to

“Scared” - A Collection of short stories by Anthony Horowitz


Enter the strange and twisted world of Anthony Horowitz.
Three sinister stories to fill you with fear.
Gary hates the countryside. It’s boring. But something has got it in for Gary. Perhaps the countryside hates him too?
Kevin loves computer games, but the latest one breaks all the rules, and it’s ruthless…
Howard’s in heaven … so why does it feel more like hell?
Anthony Horowitz is the master of scary storytelling.

Study Guide Sample

Guide to Analysis

Story 1 – Scared

1. ‘Gary Wilson was lost’ (11) – What feeling is evoked by this sentence? Is it a positive or a negative statement?
2. List an antonym for each of these words : hot, tired, angry
3. How do the readers know that Gary was finding it hard to travel through the field?
4. Describe Gary’s physical appearance. Draw a picture of him.
5. ‘And of course he’d have to pay them back’ (12) Why did the author say ‘of course’?
6. How can you tell that Gary is a bully?
7. How did the death of his father affect Gary? How did it affect his life?
8. Why did Gary and his mother holiday in the countryside?
9. ‘He was beginning to feel the first stirrings of … something’ (15). What do you think he was starting to feel?
10. How did Gary’s mother persuade him to go on holiday in the country?
11. What did Gary miss about being in the city?
12. ‘You can still feel the magic in the countryside’ (17). Do you think Gary felt the countryside was magical? Explain.

(There are 26 analysis questions for this story in the full study guide)

This guide is available for purchase. It contains analysis questions for each of the 3 stories in the collection. It also contains spelling lists for each of the 3 stories. For further information, please :