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A Study Guide to Space Demons by Gillian Rubinstein


Have you ever played a video game that you thought was real? That is what happens to Andrew and his friends Ben, Elaine and Mario. When Andrew receives ‘Space Demons’ from a mysterious programmer in Japan he decides to play the game. What he didn’t expect was that he and his friends would be transported into the game itself and that they would not only be playing to win – they would be playing to survive.

Study Guide – Chapter by Chapter Analysis

Chapter 1

1. What words are used to describe Andrew Hayford?
2. Why is Andrew bored?
3. Andrew found it ‘fantastic’ to have received the gift. Write about a time that you have received a gift that meant a lot to you.
4. What is the relationship between Andrew’s parents like? How do his parents react to one another? Why do you think this is so?
5. Think about a time you have played a video game. Did you enjoy it? Why?
6. How did Andrew feel after playing the game for the first time?

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