Lou Montulli, Founder of EPINIONS, BLOWS DOG W/O
by suspecterrain

Dog Blows Back, Barfs.
Dog Gone.
Yeah, but how many Bowling Trophies do you have there, Lou?

Trouble? What trouble?

Herein is my entry to the EPINIONS BLOWS DOG W/O.

Lou Montulli purports be the genius behind the TRUST ALOGRITHM within the alleged self-designed computer architecture that makes up the heart of EPINIONS. This Brainiac, as it were, while not able to establish a sufficiently stable environment, or garner any real sustainable profit, has staked a claim at a small outpost within the Magazines Section from which he may hawk his wares.

It would appear that among the better marketable qualities of Mr. Montulli are computer programming, looking sexy, and Buckwheat. The programming part is great, but not really resume material given past performance (if you know what I mean). Looking sexy, well maybe that could get him an appearance in the GUYS OF EPINIONS CALENDAR 2002, but I don’t think that Fragglemom is going to have much spare change once the penny hits stop rolling in. And finally, sporting knowledge of the (what I am sure is the) ultra fascinating lore of Buckwheat, while impressive, will hardly get you a job in most companies, or for that matter, even a membership in most clubs (and certainly not The Brotherhood of Fezdom).

This is abuse of the site, by none-other-than, the site itself. This precedent establishes lewd behavior, even that undertaken by the most shining pillars of Epinions, to be both acceptable and encouraged.

For all you skimmers:

1.) Lou Montulli is an Epinions Founder.

2.) Lou is not a Men’s Magazine.

3.) Epinions offers a Magazine called Lou Montulli

4.) Once again, Lou is not a Men’s Magazine.

5.) Lou Montulli is of questionable moral fiber, and moreso, an egotistical blowhard who might be trying to substitute for his lack in proficiency with the ladies by placing his picture within an area that might find him to be greater than the uptight DOG BLOWER that we all know him to be. In fact Lou is almost visionary in dog blowing prowess, so much so, that i heard he's insured his lips against "cat damage" and has secured Trojan to engineer him a line of labial prophylactics so that he might better blow more and more dogs. So what exactly am i trying to tell you; buy latex futures.

I hereby, grant my unfettered and ultra enthusiastic approval to this W/O, it’s founders, those who post, and especially, THOSE WHO RATE.

Thank you, Annexinspiration


For a time in October 2001, you could have read this review on http://www.epinions.com . It has been deleted from that site, but other writing by the author is still available there at http://www.epinions.com/user-suspecterrain .