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Saturday, July 05, 2003
Come Downstairs And Say Hello

Dorothy moves to click her ruby shoes
Right in tune with dark side of the moon
Someone, someone could tell me
Where I belong
Be calm, be brave, it'll be okay
No more messing around and living underground
On new year's resolutions
By this time next year I won't be here
I turn on MTV, the volume's down
Lips move, they say
It'll be okay
To tell you the truth, I've said it before
Tomorrow I start in a new direction
One last time these words from me
I'm never saying them again
and I shut the light
and listen as my watch unwinds
To tell you the truth, I've said it before
Tomorrow I start in a new direction
I know I've been half-asleep
I'm never doing that again
I look straight at what's coming ahead
and soon its going to change in a new direction
Every night as I'm falling asleep
These words repeating in my head
Voices calling from a yellow road
To come downstairs and say hello
Don't be shy, just say hello
To tell you the truth, I've said it before
Tomorrow I start in a new direction
I know I've been half-asleep
I'm never doing that again
I look straight at what's coming ahead
and soon its going to change in a new direction
Every night as I'm falling asleep
These words repeated in my head

Red Oyster Cult

Doesn't it bring you down
So many lights and sounds
Call your mom on the telephone
Tell her you're coming home
Tell her there's not a chance
You're ever going to change the world
If you want to be free, take a sip of this tea
Join the red oyster cult
If you drink the whole cup, you will never grow up
You will never grow old
Remember when you were 14
You'd paint every picture so green
Call your mom on the telephone
Tell her your muse is gone
Tell her there's not a chance
You're ever going to change the world
Just a few drops away, you'll never want to change the world
If you want to be free, take a sip of this tea
Join the red oyster cult
If you drink the whole cup, you will never grow up
You will never grow old
Call your mom on the telephone
Tell her you're coming home
Tell her there's not a chance you're ever going to change the world
Just a few drops away
You'll never have to change

wee, totally got a new Guster CD, so I had to post some more lyrics, as that's mostly what I do. I'm thinking that Come Downstairs and Say Hello is currently my favorite song. heehee, also, there's two total hippie songs on it (I Hope Tomorrow is Like Today and Two at a Time). very fun.

:-D guess what?? Heather got her show!!! woohoo!! it's all awesome like. everyone should go leave congratulations in her guestbook.

turned 16 a few weeks ago, don't have my license yet, but that will be remedied soon. got a new stereo for my car for my birthday, and a bunch of money from grandparents, all of which has gone toward CD's. Decided I like a new band called O.a.R. (standing for of a revolution). they're like all cool, and they've got the saxophone and all that. I bought their CD, and it came with a DVD, which I watched already.

I want to throw a party very bad, but really can't until Jayson and Laura get back (they're at Laura's dad's house for a few weeks). tried to get a bunch of people to go to fireworks, but none could come, so I went with family and obeyed strict policy of anti-socialness when with family.

hrg, need license so I can go do something other than write in Blog.

Listening to new Guster CD at this very moment.

Would totally fill you in on the past, oh, month, but that would take waay too long, so I've decided not to.

Basic gist: there was two birthday parties (Nicole's and Morgan's), and they were v. fun. Jayson got his six months in and can drive me around legally now. Went to concert, and skipped out as it was at baptist church and they were going to start preaching, so Tyler, Lacy, and I drove around for about 3 hours. Saw Italian Job a second time with Annie, Tyler, Lacy, and Katie. Beccah was supposed to come, but I lost my yearbook, and with it, her phone number, so she didn't. turned sixteen, and didn't have the Jackie Chan fest I was planning, because I totally procrastinated.

Parties to be had:
Jackie Chan fest
Core making fun of party
Eclipse party (Lunar eclipse in november)

um, there will be more, I assure you. next year we'll all be juniors and can leave campus to throw random parties for fancy friday.

and that's all I'm saying, so goodbye then.
posted by Erick The Great 8:19 PM [+]


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