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E.S.L. Protester Official Web Site


G@b@ Page


Not only am I afraid to put my real name here, by I am afraid to put the company's name. Many informative sites that intend to legally inform the public about the pros and cons of working at schools have apparently been bullied into removing any and all comment about G*b*. First they screw over their employees and then threaten anyone who complains or allows someone to complain. What a great place to work.

G*b* is actually an awfull place to work. Here are just a few reasons that come to mind.

Teachers are required to come to work 30 minutes early and a fine is imposed if they are late during this thirty minute period. Teachers are forced to work during this time, but no pay is given for this time.

There are 5 minute 'breaks' between lessons, but teacher are forced to recheck their schedules for any changes and are not allowed to leave their teaching booths. This too is unpaid time.

Requests for paid holidays are 'automatically rejected'(a term from an internal e-mail I happened to see).

Teachers are not allowed to use their paid holidays, and are not paid out for them at the end of the contract.

Teachers are encourage to stay a full year so that they can collect an end-of-contract bonus. However, teachers who work even over one year don't get a bonus.

They lay people off with no reason than to save money, and pay them only about two weeks of salary when the law requires 30 days of salary.

They require teachers to give 30 days notice to quit, when only 14 days are required by law.

The contract is designed to hide worker rights from foreign workers, who usually don't know anything about Japanese law.

Good workers from the Japanese and foreign staff are selected for "promotions." These promotions are usually for a position with loads more hours every week and only slightly more pay, or no additional pay, and often transfers to locations further from the employees homes. If the employee declines, they are not allowed to keep their current position, they are simply fired. A majority of the most talented staff have been lost this way.

The list really could go on and on, but I believe these examples are more than enough to make my message plain: don't work for this company. If you do now, consider looking for something better.

Warren Peace
Submit your story!get this gear!