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undefined Tank Status Updates

It's been madness updating information on the various tanks that I'm either setting up or revamping, so here's a lumped update.  Most images are linked to larger pics, in case you're as blind as I am ;o)

I should mention that I ain't no 'aquatic-gardener', so don't have high expectations of me! LOL!!!

Page classified as 'permanent under-construction' and date format is yymmdd.

4tier Killie Tank Rack

Corridor 2tier 2feet Tanks;


1st Low-Open Tank

'Ocean Free' 2ft Tank... pending permanent setup for killifishes.

2nd 18-incher. Another permanent setup for killies... what else? ;o)

LOW OPEN TANK - Top-frontal view
Customized 'half-cube' from Au.

Echinodorus Ozelot 'Red'
Limnobium laevigatum (Frogbits)
Salvinia natans
Pistia stratiotes
Christmas Moss
Narrow leafed Java Fern
... and free dunnowat fern ;o)

Top-left view
Sticks and wire support, to keep emersed leaves out of water.

Thin 1cm layer of Dennerle substrate throughout.

Tank is not rigged with CO² fertilization, filtration or aeration.

Front cropped view with guppies (some 'ribbon' strain).
There's also a small 1M/3F group of Ap. australe 'Orange'.

OCEAN FREE 2ft tank (24"L x 12"W x 18"H)
Front view with tall driftwood (one of the two large pieces bought from Teo's)

Microsorum pteropus 'Tropica' to contrast with two Vallisneria species.

May add in some Anubias barteri var. barteri when the tank stabilizes and if the rest of the plants do well.

Substrate is 1cm thick, sloping up to 10cm at the rear.  Setup is not rigged with CO² fertilization, filtration or aeration.

An experiment to see how long a Java moss patch can be established above the waterline.

It's just a thin spread of moss 'slapped' on, with half of it submerged and the rest of it emersed.  Hopefully, via capillary action, there's sufficient water to moisten the moss until it 'roots' to the wood.


2TIER 2ft Corridor tanks
UPPER 040510

Limnobium laevigatum (Frogbits)
Salvinia natans
Pistia stratiotes
Barclaya longifolia
Echinodorus 'Oriental'
Narrow leafed Java Fern
2 Vallisneria species.

Algae-ridden driftwood with 'Cigar fish' (Annostomus anostomus) but mine doesn't show the red coloration as described in this page.

Above it is one of a small group of home-bred White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes).


LOWER 040504
Closer view here.

My usual group of floaters....
Limnobium laevigatum, Salvinia natans and Pistia stratiotes.

There's also Barclaya longifolia for color contrast, some Anubias and regular Java Fern.

LOWER 040510 ...which didn't always look so 'neat' (check update list at top of page)

2nd 18incher permanent setup for killies.  Pic taken on nite of completion, June 2nd 2004, Vesak Day (a public holiday here in Singapore to celebrate the 'Festival of Light').

Perfect match for my 1st 18-incher, don't you think so?

The next day, 040603
Plants featured are received with gratitude from fellow forumers;
Blyxa aubertii - 'Shortman', B. japonica - Freddy and Echinodorus tenellus from Rashid.

As usual, there's the 'standard-issue' floater, Limnobium laevigatum (Frogbits), harvested from my other tanks and Vallisneria sp. for background.

Closer view of driftwood and the Blyxa aubertii.  If you look hard enough, there are flowering stalks on the aubertii.

In line with the 'KISS*' concept, this tank mimics my 1st 18-incher, in that there'll be no fertilized substrate, piped CO² or aeration.

It seem like filtration by the plants isn't enough and will add in more plants later.

*  Keep It Simple, Stoopid  ;o)
Foreground looks pretty empty for now but I'd like to have some open space for home-bred Corydoras Pygmaeus*  juvenile to scoot around.

I'm wondering if the Echinodorus tenellus will grow like little turfs of grass, or tall and slender because of low-light condition.

* Pic of cory fry here, with side profile.

Other tanks... (or the 'tank no enough' syndrome)

Killie 'Tanklets'

'Planter Box' Tanks

4tier Killie Tank Rack 040304

Ron's "Studio" ala Killie Photo Tank

Low maintenance 3gal plastic tank. Top-frontal + larger view.
Front cropped view + bigger pic.

Nano Tanks (... or experiments to rid algae in mosses!)

Nano 1 (with xmas moss, narrow java fern & boblitis)
Closer pic of boblitis rhizome.

Nano 2 (with christmas moss, neglected with much water evaporated)

Nano 3 (with java moss creeping up tank wall + black molly + 2 Taiwan fire shrimps)

CORRIDOR 2ft 2tier tank 040429
UPPER Tank - front view
Water lettuce amidst frogbits
Emersed potted Echinodorus oriental resting between frogbits (uptake pipe of Eheim HOT)

UPPER Tank 040315 + bigger pic.
CO² tubing & diffuser coated with BBA or Black Brush Algae.
Aphyosemion australe 'Gold' amongst the algae + bigger pic.

UPPER Tank 030217 aka Ron's Moss wall page (sorry folks, it fail miserably...)

LOWER Tank 040315 + bigger pic.

2ft DUMP TANK 040429
Full top-frontal view
Drainage tubing + valve
Potted echi hybrid in bare bottom tank

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Share your thoughts with me but first remove 'SPAM' from the addy.

Ronnie Lee 2003 ©
Page Created 031228
1st Update 040131
2nd Update 040511
3rd Update 040604