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Have you ever wondered why Theresa wears so much makeup??
Well, we at All Passions All the Time have discovered the truth!!
Theresa must use a ton of mascara to cover up the fact that she has teeny tiny beady little eyes!!
We caught the young Harmonite without her mascara, and were shocked at what we saw!!
Now for the first time ever, the exclusive pics of Theresa SANS MASCARA!!

When Theresa discovered that the spies at All Passions All the Time had the photos, she cried and begged to get them back. When she realized her efforts were in vain, she merely begged us to not tell Ethan the truth. When we pointed out that she and Ethan were soon to be married, and he'd probably find out the truth, Theresa giggled and pointed out that she had kept much bigger secrets from her fiance. We assume she is referring to her knowledge of Ethan's true paternity, which she kept from her "true love". Oops! It appears that ALL of Theresa's secrets are now out!!
Truly shocking...

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