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I've been getting lots of positive comments from visitors, as well as a few negative comments. So... I thought I'd feature them on this page. Please don't be offended if you've left a fabulous (or very nasty) comment for me and it's not displayed!! I'll post them all when I can! I only have so much time... *LOL*

If you want to see one of your comments up here, please sign my guestbook!!

"Oh Whit... they hate this site..."

Someone who is "NOT a fan of this page" [06/20/2001 ] Comments: all i have to say is that who ever made this site is stupid. I don't know why u hate theresa or any of the others on the show u make fun of them all but i don't see why i can't believe u actually made a site as stupid as this one

"No one loves me!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Anonymous [03/17/2001] Comments: Im sorry but Galen Gering is the ugliest person in the whole world. He looks like a leprechaun/cave beast. Anyone who made a page about his ugly a** must be out of their f***ing minds. Luis needs to be killed off of Passions with Sheridan.

"She hates it!! And she hates my brother! Oh BOO HOO HOO!!"

Katz [05/25/2001] Comments: Question (in Slambook): What do you think of my page? Answer (in Slambook): it sucks

"I want to die!"

Tammy [05/24/2001] Comments: Your pictures of Theresa without mascara are totally gay...they are obviously retouched photos and anyone who believes that they are real has to be a complete moron!

"Boo hoo hoo... She won't face the truth!"

Tom [05/30/2001] Comments: Duh, Tammy, no one thinks those photos are real, it's called HUMOR. Please get your head out of your butt and look the word up in the dictionary. Oh, and in case you weren't sure, we also know that the photos of Hank and Miguel getting gay with everyone are probably doctored too. THIS SITE IS COMPLETELY HYSTERICAL and you know it -- I was actually laughing out loud, and I never do that.

Elizabeth [05/19/2001] (Homepage) Comments: I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SITE! I hope to see a lot more funny stuff in the future!

Ty [05/22/2001] Comments: saw your "A" grade in the latest Entertainment Weekly review of web sites. i disagree. your site should have received an "A+++". It is AWESOME! you rock! i'm still laughing at your "dead-on" comments...

Meg [05/14/2001] (Homepage) Comments: Awesome site, I LOVE the Passions Adopt a Reject, keep up the good work!

Kaycee [05/09/2001] (Homepage) Comments: awesome site you've got here! keep up the great work!

Emily[05/24/2001] Comments: You have an awesome website! I've been laughing my ass off since I got here. It's nice to know that other people hate Theresa as much as I do. You rock! And no matter what the last person said - your no mascara photos are hilarious!

Mercy [05/25/2001] (Homepage) Comments: What can I say? This Site is Awesome! I love everything about it.

Steph [05/25/2001] Comments: i saw the article in entertainment weekly about this site, and i've seen a few shows before so i checked out your site. i have never laughed so long in my life! this site is awesome! if i ever need to cheer up, i will definitely be clicking on your webpage! you are a mastermind of the type of humor i love! keep it up, you're awesome!

Kaycee [05/11/2001] Comments: hey! awesome site you have here! it's a really well done website! keep up the great work! if you ever find the time stop by my site with mary. it's a days/passions spoilers won't regret it! talk to you soon! whew and boy is galen hot! btw! hehe!

Jess [04/12/2001] Comments: Your page rocks!! Keep up the groovin' work! teehee

JRS [05/25/2001] Comments: I read about this site in EW and I decided to come...GLAD I DID !!! This site is GREAT !!! I have never missed a Passions episode so I am a big fan and now a big fan of this site. Never laughed so hard in my life ! Keep it up and expect my return...

*SNIFFLE* "Well, maybe they do like it..."

Lindsay [05/25/2001] Comments: I read about this site in Entertainment Weekly and, as a fellow Passions fan, thought that I would check it out! This site is so hilarious! Also, to the idiot who was complaining about the "gay" pics of Theresa...hi, it's a joke. Seriously, your site is great!

Joe [05/27/2001] Comments: I saw the EW thing and had to checK it out, glad I did! You are hilarious! Ya gotta put more on tho..Timmy and Reese and do something with the blind priest that'll piss the kiddies off! Keep it up, I'll be back! (NOTE TO JOE: I'm working on some new stuff... check back soon)

Sam Jones [05/26/2001] Comments: I actually saw this in a magazine. I am a HUGE passions fan, but i haven't watched in a while because of school. I think your site is awesome. Keep up the good work!!!

Heather [05/26/2001] Comments: I actually saw the review in EW and I like passions so I thought I'd check it out. Miguel's diary is the funniest damn thing I've seen in a long time! I don't think I've laughed that hard before.

Amber [05/25/2001] Comments: I think your websit is truly original!It is Hilarious And I put it on my favorites list,good job!

Anthony Cotugno [65/01/2001] Comments: huge fan i do not like TC everyone elsi is fab

Sherry V [05/29/2001] Comments: I actually read about this in EW. Great work!!!! It's so funny and your art is great. Anyone who devotes this much time to Passions is OK in my book. I'm adding this to my favorties and telling my friends to come here. Making this page will get you into heaven.

Blayne [05/29/2001] Comments: Came over after reading the review in EW. Your sight is funny to the point that I need to wear adult diapers when I visit just so I don't wet my chair from laughing so hard!!!

Jessica [05/28/2001] Comments: I LOVE this website! Passions is so addictive huh? Anyway, I found this after visiting yer Beatles page and I'm glad to know another Beatlesfreak who's also into Passions. Tabby&Timmy Rule!

Hannah S [06/05/2001] Comments: This sight is HIGH-larious!!!!! Keep up the good work. P.S. I liked the "No Mascara" part best.

Jennifer [06/05/2001] Comments: Actually I read the review in EW! And since I recently started watching "Passions" I decided to check you out!

Meg [06/06/2001] Comments: I really like this website! It's so cool! :)

Marissa [06/14/2001] Comments: I really loved this site-- I laughed so hard at Miguel's diary! keep up the good work

S Sarah Daniel [06/09/2001] Comments: I read about your page in Entertainment Weekly, and I just had to check it out! Wow! What a great page! I nearly laughed my ass off! I love Miguel's Diary and reading what others think about Passions! Keep it up...I will definitely bookmark this page!

amethystskye [06/07/2001] Comments: You're an absolute genius and my role model. I love the page, it's absolutely fabulous!

Anina [06/04/2001] Comments: I think I just wet myself. It's nice.

"Oh they do love me - I mean, this site!! You know what this means!! DOUBLE WEDDING!!"

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