I'll Be There

I'll Be There
I'll Be There when the sun,
gets too hot.
I'll Be There when the rain,
falls too hard.
I'll Be There when the harsh winds,
You know men get tired
but women get weary and blue.
When all seems hopeless and these days come true,
Look up and see that glow in the sky.
It is the glimmer of their aura,
watching over you.
So lighten your heart,
for you, have personal guardians
watching over you. Assigned by
the Great Master Himself.
For my friend, Jeanette.
Thoughts from the Heart by
© 2001
Please take a minute to check out my other pages...
Whispering Frosty Pines
Winter Love
To My Loving Mother
My Prayer to Our
Sovereign Lord
To My Daughters
RAOK Dedication
My Special Birthday Page

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