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To My Daughters
To My Daughters

You're a precious thought to me,
a treasure to my heart.
You are daughters who have played
A very special part.

A ll the beauty life can give
Is summarized in you.
I am proud and I am glad
That life presented you.

I n your own compelling way
I see that you're unique.
I am confident you'll reach
The very goals you seek.

Y our growth and progress always are
So charming to behold.
It is such a wondrous thing
To watch your life unfold.

A ll my love and all my hopes
Give time a special hue.
All my days and all my years
Are full because of you.

~Author Unknown~

Frosty Pines

I'll Be There

To My Loving Mother



My Prayer to Our
Sovereign Lord

Winter Love


RAOK Dedication