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Here you will find the adapted version of rugby. For safety concerns , Touch Rugby will be used . Included in this unit will be rules, terminology , skills , drills and lead up activities.
Introduction to Rugby
The objective of the game is to gain more points than the opposing team within the allotted time of play. A tie is called if the scores are equal at the end of play. A try is scored when a player places the ball in the opposition's goal area. It is counted as 5 points and can be converted to an additional 2 points with a successful place kick made from a line perpendicular to the point at which the ball was scored. A goal can also be scored through a penalty with a free kick or a drop kick from the field of play. A goal counts as 3 points.
Rugby is a game in which the prime objective is to ground the ball across the goal line to score a try. In order to do this, a team's players must have possession of the ball. Their opponent's objective is to prevent them from scoring a try. During the game, contests for possession occupy a large amount of time.
Once possession of the ball has been gained the team with it may use it to score a try in the following ways. run with the ball towards the goal line avoiding defenders pass the ball among team mates in a better position than themselves to assist in avoiding defenders kick the ball towards the goal line, regain it and carry it over the goal line kick the ball over the goal line and ground it .
The aim of these actions is to score points by: a "try" - grounding the ball over the goal line - 5 points a "conversion" - converting the try to a goal by kicking the ball over the goalposts - 2 points a "field goal" - drop kicking the ball over the goalposts from the field of play - 3 points a "penalty" - place kicking or drop kicking the ball over the goalposts when a penalty has been awarded following an infringement by the opposing team - 3 points .
Defending The team that is without possession of the ball has the task of: preventing the team in possession from moving the ball down the field preventing the opposing team from scoring regaining possession of the ball This is achieved by: touching/ripping the ball carrier "snaffling" the loose ball away from the ball carrier forcing the ball carrier over the touchline or forcing the ball carrier to kick the ball over the touchline
This gives the team the chance to regain the ball at the lineout that follows "pressuring" the ball carrier and supporting team mates into errors and minor infringements that result in which the ball may be regained by "fielding" the ball kicked by opponents - to either catch it or pick it up if it is on the ground .
Set Plays
Set plays are used to start and restart the game when stoppages occur. These are: Kick-offs
Kick-offs are taken from the center of the halfway line: to start the game and to restart play after half-time - a place kick to restart play after a team has been scored - a drop kick When the ball is kicked off it must travel beyond the 10 metre line unless it is first played by an opponent. No player of the kicking team may be in front of the ball when the kick is being taken. The ball must not be kicked over the touch line . Dropouts
Dropouts are always drop kicks . They are taken from behind the 22 metre line and the ball must reach the 22 metre line or pass beyond it after the attacking team has: kicked the ball over the goal line where it is grounded by a defending player kicked the ball over the dead ball line or into touch in goal No player of the kicking team may be in front of the ball when the kick is being taken
Lineouts are formed to restart play after the ball has gone over the touch line or has been carried over it. Penalty Kicks / Free Kicks
Penalty kicks and free kicks are taken to restart play when one team has infringed the Law. Free kicks are taken to restart play after a "fair catch" has been claimed. A fair catch or "mark" occurs when the ball has been kicked by an opponent and it is caught within the 22 metre line, the catcher calling "mark".
Attacking and defending players must place themselves in the correct positions on the field. Position simply means players being where they are best able to perform their positional roles o there are two kinds of positioning: static positioning - where to be before the action starts dynamic positioning - where to go and what to do when the action starts
Rugby is a game that balances the contest for the ball with continuing play. As a result it is a game in which players of a variety of abilities assist each other to stop the opposition from scoring points, to get the ball back and to score points themselves.
The aim of an attack is to carry the ball down the field to score points or to create a points scoring opportunity. To do this effectively ball carriers must at all times be supported by team mates ready to receive a pass or assist the ball carrier in some other way.

Rugby field


A player in the attacking team is offside when that player is forward of the player who has possession or who last had possession. In general play, offside attacking players who interfere with play should be penalized.

The mark for a penalty is normally at the location of the infringement unless otherwise detailed in specific rules. For infringements which occur on the boundaries, within five (5) metres of the defending scoreline or outside the field of play, the location of a tap from a penalty is to be five (5) metres infield (or on the five metre line) from where the infringement occurred. The ball does not have to be lifted from the ground for the tap. However, the ball must be at or behind the correct mark prior to the tap being taken.
A player may take the ball back behind the mark up to a maximum distance of ten (10) metres behind the mark for a tap to allow room to execute a move. In such cases the defending players must remain not closer than ten (10) metres .


To kick the ball accurately from a placed position on the ground to start/restart the game,or convert a try or penalty goal is as follows:
The common errors are lifting the head , the leading shoulder to open , the non-kicking foot too far from the ball and poor follow through.


  1. The sweet spot is about 1/4 of the way up the back seam
  2. Before the approach relax and focus( cue to a key phrase such as head down -follow through and imagine the complete action through the goal posts{ if its a goal kick} The key to the kick is the placement and alignment of the non-kicking foot.It must be width width from the ball and aligned to the target.
  3. By having the head over the ball the kicker assures that the body weight is moving forward through the strike zone
  4. The non-kicking arm must be ahead of the body
  5. Use an esssential follow through and a balance stance after the kick for an indicator to ensure straightness of the follow through.
A grubber kick - hold the ball with fingers apart at bottom nearest body with fingertips in the middle. Kick the ball with toe pointing down to get low flight.In this way teammates can gain possession of the ball again.
A pop kick - is a short up in the air kick that you can field yourself. It is used if there is nobody to pass to, you can pop it over the defender and run into it.
A long kick is used when the oppostion is attacking the goal line so as to get better field position.

Name of drill: Ball Familiarization
Objective: to develop players ' awareness of the rugby ball by working on a wide range of ball handling skills.
The drill set up is to spread the players evenly around the field/floor with a ball in two hands.

  • Around the head , waist , knees, ankles
  • Figure 8 through the legs
  • Into the air, take one step forward an dcatch behind back
  • Between the legs , leaving ball in one place abd changing hands rapidly from left at the front, right at back, to left at back, right at the front
  • These drills can be done on the run , decrease size of field and increase speed and intensity with/without opposition
Name of drill: Multi -action relay
Objective- to practice various ball skills
The drill is set up with one ball per person/group with players facing cones about 30 feet away.Each of the front players runs around their cone peforming a designated skill. After completing the skill the players hand off to the next person in line across from them , next to opposite cone.
  • 1st lap :Roll ball and pick up
  • 2nd lap: Dribble ball along the ground
  • 3rd lap: Rotate ball around body
  • 4th lap:Chip kick and chase
Name of drill: Pass Progression
The objective is developing the fundamental skills of the basic lateral pass. There is one ball per group and four cones in a square area.
  • Stage 1:The players are positioned along a straight line about a foot apart. Players remain stationary and swing the ball along the line to the next player, who reaches to receive the ball.
  • Stage 2: Separate players to about 3 feet apart and pass the ball along the line
  • Stage 3. Lateral passing at a walking pace for about 10 yards to opposite cone.
  • Stage 4: Lateral passing at a jogging pace
  • Stage 5: Lateral passing at a running pace
Name of the drill:THE PASSING CIRCLE
The objective is to develop good passing and catching technique. One ball per group with 6-8 players in a group in circle formation.Players stand in a circle with one competing against the other, with all players facing outward.
  • Players pass the ball around the circle
  • The team that completes the circle first -wins
  • The team that completes the greater number of passes in aset time-wins
  • The team that passes without a drop -wins
  • Chose one player to run around the circle to try and get back to place before one revolution. Exchange players each turn
  • Increase the distance of the pass
The objective is practice switches and passes with the proper spacing and technique
  • Three players execute switches until they reach designated cones
  • Complete as fast as possible, each player should pass the ball from the side of the receiver has approched from
  • Players without the ball should aim to stay behind ball holder
  • Run, pass, go behind , and pass(repeat)
Name of the drill: PASS IN LINE
The objective is to execute lateral passes with proper spacing and depth technique.
Players line up in four lines facing another line of four about 30 feet apart , between two cones.
NOTE:See PASS IN LINE diagram below under Rugby Examples.
  • Players pass down the line to ensure the ball never goes forward and they don't close the gap
  • When receiving or passing, the last player to receive the ball should concentrate on running at speed
  • Repeat drill from both sides to practice off both hands
Name of the drill: ROLLING SQUARE
The objective is to practice handling a loose ball on the ground . The players are set up at each corner of a square formation that which includes a cone at each corner
  • Two players on the same side sprint to an opposite cone with the ball.
  • Roll the ball gently towards the static player and loop back to end of line.
  • The receiving player picks up the ball and sprints to the opposite corner rolling the ball 5-6 feet away.Some variations can be placing the ball and/or passing it to the next player in line.

Name of the drill FORCE BACK
The objective is to improve accuracy of a variety of kicks and improve catching reactions
The players are scattered at appropriate distance on each side of the midline line. A player from one team kicks the ball over the midline toward the opposition.

  • If the ball is caught , the catcher may advance 10 steps
  • If the ball is dropped , the kicking team moves up to that mark and retains possesion.
  • If the ball is recovered , but not caught , the next kick is made from the point of recovery
  • Points are scored by punting the ball between the goal posts( 1 point) and drop kicking the ball betwen the posts is (3 points).
Name of the drill PAIR KICKING
The objective is to improve the players' ability to kick accurately
There will be one ball for each pair. The group is split into two . Players line up opposite another person.
  • Players kick the ball accurately to one another across the area.
  • Practice punts and drop kicks so they can be caught on the run.
  • Practice a grubber kick - the ball should be stopped as it reaches the player.
  • Increase pressure on players by reducing the time they have to kick the ball.

The objective is to practice spacing ( keeping lines straight) and communicating with teammates
Name of the drill:DEFENSIVE LINES
The set up is players opposite another group about 30 feet apart.

  • The defensive pattern is to shoot forward and fall back in a straight defensive line with equal spacing between the defenders
  • Players run forward and clap hands , run back to place keeping lines straight at all times
  • Plyers run forward circle each other and fall back in same direction they started with straight lines.
  • Players run forward circle each other and run back in the opposite direction with lines straight
Name of the drill: BALL /DEFENSE LINES
The objective is to get players in defensive pattern as quickly as possible for more players on the team to get into the defensive lines to use less space for the attacking team to attack.
The drill is set up with two balls on the ground about 10 yards apart.
  • Players must keep defensive lines straight
  • Space themselves very close to each other
  • Communicate with teammates
  • Run to ball together with tight spacing
  • Fall back a few paces( space arms distance apart)
  • Run to the other ball , repeat

The objective is to practice kicking and catching skills(handling)
AROUND THE BASES- One team is the "batting" group while the other team is scattered in the field.Cones are set for bases in a square formation.The batting team kicks the ball(punt, chip, grubber,etc.) into the field and try to run as far around the bases as possible before the ball is returned to the cones.
If the kick is caught , the player is out;if the ball is returned to a base before the player arrives, it is an out.Three outs and switch positions.Runs are scored the player makes it home.
Players in the field should position themselves where they can be involved in a passing movement back to the base.
The objective is to develop communication , movement into space and ball handling
The players are divided into two equal teams that are positioned inside a marked off cone area. The players on the team with the ball must touch the ball on the ground and then pass to a team member. The players on the opposite team have to intercept . Th eball carrier can't move with the ball. The other team must try to pressure the ball carriers into bad passes. If the ball is dropped or intercepted , the other team becomes the passers.The first team to complete (6-10) passes scores a point.Note: the ball carrier can't ass back to the person who just passed to them.Establish a 3 second time limit for passing.

Make four teams and send a team to each of four cones/corners , which are aligned in a square formation on the half court/field area.One player runs from each team at a time. Place 5-6 balls inside a hula hoop in front of each team. The player takes one ball at a time. That player runs to another team steals the ball and then passes the ball to the next person in his line. The ball is placed inside their hula hoop and then repeat the process. The pass should be about 3- 5 feet from the next person in their line. The team with the most balls , wins.
Split into two teams. Start with a tap in the center of the game area.Players pass the ball among their team to score a touchdown(try) beyond an assigned area.They next attempt to score beyond a different designated area.

If the player holding the ball is touched it is a handover. The team gaining psossession of the ball is to score a try beyond the farthest try line from the change of possession.The ball may be passed in any direction. If the ball is dropped a handover occurs.The score is made between X1 and X4.The next attempt is a try between X3 and X6.
KEEPAWAY The objective is to improve the passing and reaction skills.
Divide the players into small groups (4-5) of players scattered around the field/gym.Four players group together with one player as the interceptor. He will try to pressure the other players into making bad decisions or dropping the ball.If the ball is dropped or intercepted , the player who made the error and the interceptor trade places.

Arrange the players in pairs with one ball for each pair of players.The player with the ball runs at speed while the other player tries to follow keeping about 1-3 feet away at all times.As a variation, upon signal, the ball carrier turns and passes to the other player who now becomes the runner. The objective is to practice quick and evasive movement .


  • #1 player is to be missed out starts off slightly deeper than normal to allow space for the miss-pass
  • #2 the player with the ball throws a long pass missing out player on his left
  • #3 player receives long ball and runs himself or if there is another man outside him, he throws the pass out wide.
The players line up in four lines.They pass down the line as shown. They should ensure the ball never goes forward and that the players don't close the gap when receiving or passing.The last player to receive the ball should concentrate on running at full speed. Repeat from both sides to practice off both hands.
  • #1 players"12" and "15" are to be missed and start off slightly deeper thna normal to allow for the miss pass.
  • #2 The "10" player throws a long pass missing out"12"
  • #3 The "13" player receives the long pass and immediately gives a miss pass to"14" out on the wing

Rugby Drop Kick: Advanced Rugby
How to Pass in Rugby: Beginning Rugby Lesson
Rugby Side Step: Beginning Rugby Lesson
Dummy Pass Rugby Rules and Tips: Beginning Rugby Lesson
