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undefined If you're going my way, I'll walk with you. Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be?

No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry.

Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again....skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!

Everyone says you only fall in love once but thats not true, everytime I hear your voice I fall in love all over again

If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart, a heart can be broken but a circle goes on forever

You laugh because im different, i laugh because you're all the same

To the world your just one person but to one person you could mean the world



When I first saw you I was afarid to talk to you*When i first talked to you I was afraid to like you*When i first liked you i was afarid to love you*Now that I love you I m afraid to lose you

whats betta? a lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear?

Last night I looked up at the stars
And matched each one with a reason why I love you
I was doing great, but then I ran out of stars


a peach is a peach a plum is a plum a kiss isnt a kiss without some tongue

Loving *U* is like can i stop

I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my prayers. Turned off the bed, and hopped into the light, all because you kissed me good night

If yOu ReAlLy LoVe SoMeThInG sEt iT fReE, iF iT cOmEs BaCk iT's YoUrS, iF iT dOeSn'T iT wAs NeVeR MeAnT tO Be

A MiLLi0n WoRDs Would Not Bring You Back, I Kn0w, BecauseI've Tried. Neither Would A Million TeaRs. I Know, BeCause I've Cried

A MeMoRy LaStS 4eVeR NeVeR DoEs it DiE TrUe FrieNdS StAy toGeThEr AnD NeVer SaY GoOdByE

A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes, A Person Who Doesn't Is A Fool Forever ...

Love Is When You Don't Want To Go To Sleep Because Reality Is Better Than A Dream

Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back

If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips

If you love me like you told me please be careful with my heart you can take it; just don't break it or my world will fall apart

dOn't settLe 4 the oNe yOu Can LiVe wiTh...wAit 4 tHe onE yOu Can't Live WithOut

NoThiN iS mOrE pAiNfuL Then ReALiZiN He MenT eVeRyThiN 2 u,& u MenT nOtHiN 2 HiM

Don't push any1 to hard, if it's meant to be, it will happen

I wasn't Kissing him, I was just telling his lips a secret!!

who let the dogs out??... WHO WHO WHO WHO? who let the dogs out WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO??!?!?!
please e-mail me back if u have the answer, my dogs have been missing all day!!

ReMeMbEr mY nAmE * ReMeMbEr My FaCe * CuZ tHeRe AiNt nO oThA hOnEy ThAt CaN tAkE mY pLaCe

I'm Loved by some, Hated by many, Envied by most, Yet wanted by plenty

would you catch me if i you even notice all?


God created men first, cause you always make a rough draft before a masterpiece!

Heaven won't have me and hells afraid i'll take over!

IT's better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, But I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry

God made mud god made dirt god made guys so girls can flirt

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happend

The more I get to know guys, the more I like dogs

Some day u'll cry for me like i cried for you ¤ Some day u'll miss me like i missed you ¤ Some day u'll need me like i needed you ¤ Some day u'll love me, but i wont luv you!

Everyone who lives dies but not everyone who dies lives

It's hard to tell your mind to stop lovin sumone when your heart still does...

guys are like slinkies its always fun to watch them fall down the stairs

*Star light ....Star bright .... where the heck is Mr. Right?*

Love makes life so confusing but without love would you want to live?"

Fine guys open my eyes, smart guys open my mind but only a sweet guy can open my heart

If u need space join NASA baby!!!

girls are like phones, we like to be held and talked too, but if u press the wrong button u'll be disconnected!

If ur nice, you can call me sweety. If ur sweet you can call me hunny. If ur hot you can call me tonight.

Dream as if you'll live forever...Live as if you'll die


If love isnt a game, then why are there so many players?

***everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge***

*§omewhere There'§ §omeone Who Dream§ Of Your §mile, And Find§ In Your Pre§ence That Life I§ Worth While, §o When You Are Lonely, Remember It'§ True: §omebody, §omewhere Is Thinking Of You*

Never start frowning because you never know who's falling in love with your smile :)

I'm like a butterfly-pretty 2c- hard 2 catch!

~*~One day your prince will come, mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is to stubborn to ask for directions~*~

*You can fall from the sky* *You can fall from a tree* *But the best way to fall* *Is in love with me*

Some times ur mind doesnt want u 2 be in love..but deep down u know you are....

Do I Look like a grocery item to you?¿?¿? I see you checking me out!!

If You Luv Me... Let Me Know... If You Don't... Then Let Me Go...

People don't change things, things change people.

Sometimes I think the person who made up tennis was right... love doesnt count for nothing!

Just when I think this is as good as it gets, you go and make it better

My mind doesn’t just wonder, some time's it leaves completely.

shop till u drop then find some hott guys to help you up!

Love is like war.... easy to start hard to end

I live for the nights that i wont remember, with the friends i will never forget!

It is better 2 b kissed by a fool, than 2 b fooled by a kiss

~people say i am too young to fall in love, guess i look younger than i am?~

always remember--when a guy sweeps you off ur feet he is in the perfect position to drop you on your butt

Why is cheating considered cheating....
Couldn't it just be considered couriosty...

I ate my homework cuz it was a piece of cake

You may be hott, but I want someone with a great personality

Organized people are just 2 lazy 2 look 4 things

I swear I wasn't talking to him, we were flirting

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do

Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when your down are the ones who help you get back up

A good friend Is always there to listen

Shoot for the moon, Even if you miss, You'll land among the stars...

A best friend is like a four-leaf clover.. Hard to find and lucky to have..

Smile Though Your Heart is Aching. Smile Though It is Breaking. Though a Tear May Be Near, It's Time You Must Keep On Trying. Smile, What's The Use In Crying? You'll Find That Life is Just Worth While, if You Just Smile!

Love is like the wind You can't see it ..but you know it's there..

Forget the past ... but ... Not what it taught you

~i'D RaTHeR Be PHySiCaLLy HuRT THaN eMoTioNaLLy; BeCauSe you CaN PuT a BaND-aiD oN youR FiNGeR..BuT you CaN'T PuT oNe oN youR HeaRT."~

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you when you're fooling everyone else

Mandy'z Muzic