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Even More Cool HTML!!!

Remember to REMOVE the ** <~~~ STARS!!

You could BLUR you text...
<*span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: comic sans ms; color: TEXT COLOR HERE; filter: shadow(color=BLUR COLOR HERE, direction=200)"*>TEXT HERE<*/span*>

Or you could always flip you text...
<*span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: comic sans ms; color: FONT COLOR HERE; filter: flipv"*>TEXT HERE<*/span*>
fLiP iT!!

Or you could use Opacity...
<*span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: comic sans ms; color: FONT COLOR HERE; filter: alpha(opacity=100, finishopacity=0, style=1, startX=0, startY=0, finishX=200, finishY=0)"*>TEXT HERE<*/span*>

If you want a pop-up when you leave your page:
<*body onunload="alert('YOUR MESSAGE TEXT HERE');">

Want Flashing Text? here:
<*marquee scrolldelay="500" scrollamount="400"*><*P> TEXT HERE<*/marquee*>

Flash Flash Flash!!

Here's the code for a Scrolling Table:
<*table*><*table bgcolor="COLOR HERE" border="8" bordercolorlight="COLOR HERE" bordercolordark="COLOR HERE" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><*tr*><*td*><*FONT face="comic sans ms" COLOR="COLOR HERE" SIZE="3"><*marquee bgcolor="black" behavior=scroll scrollamount="2" direction="up" width="200" height="200"*><*center*>TEXT HERE
I'm making a HTML Help page.. oooo...

Font gets Larger when Mouse-over.. (put your mouse over that text...)
<*font face=FONT HERE color=COLOR HERE size=SIZE 1 HERE onmouseover=size='SIZE 2 HERE' onmouseout=size='SIZE 1 AGAIN'*>TEXT HERE<*/font*><*P*>

To change the look of your scrollbar...
<*STYLE type="text/css"*><*!--BODY { scrollbar-base-color: COLOR; scrollbar-track-color: COLOR; scrollbar-face-color: COLOR; scrollbar-highlight-color: COLOR; scrollbar-3dlight-color: COLOR; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: COLOR; scrollbar-shadow-color: COLOR; scrollbar-arrow-color: COLOR; }--*><*/STYLE*><*P>

Falling Stars:
<*script src="" language=javascript*><*/script*>

This is awesome!!! Here's the code for getting WAVY words..

<*marquee style="filter:wave(add=10, phase=1, freq=2, strength=35);" height=HEIGHT direction=up scrollamount="2"*><*center*><*font color=COLOR*>LINE1

This is

Little Text Box:
<*table bgcolor=COLOR HERE border=2 size=85%*>< *tr>< *td align=left><* font color=COLOR HERE>TEXT HERE<*/td><*/tr><*/table>

Look at this cute little box!

This one is cool. It will change the background to whatever color the person reading the page wants it. Try this:
<*a href="" onMouseOver="var bg=prompt('What color do you want?');document.bgColor=bg"*>Put your mouse here to change the background.<*/a*>
Put your mouse here to change the background.

For a message when entering your page:
language="Javascript">alert("TEXT HERE")

put your mouse here!!

^ ^ Wanna do that? ^ ^

<*B*><*table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 onMouseOver="'flipV'" onMouseout="'none'"*><*tr*><*td onMouseOver="'flipH'" onMouseout="'none'"*>YOUR TEXT HERE<*/td*><*/tr*><*/table*><*/B*><*P*>

Here's the code for double underlining:

Whatcha gonna do now?! huh?

<*span style="text-decoration: underline overline"*>TEXT<*/span*>

For mouse-over POP-UPS:
Put your mouse over here!

<*u onMouseover="alert('Read on to find out how to do this!')"*>Put your mouse over here!<*/u*>