artalalogo.jpg - 5531 Bytes

Welcome to my Passions Art Page. This page is made for YOU! Its totally made up of submissions from the people who visit my site. They could be hand-drawn to altered pictures to poems. Its up to you.
*Some pictures are more appropriate for teens and older.*

To submit ANY form of art it has to:
1. Apply to Passions in one way or another;
2. Be generally 'viewer friendly';
3. Be approved by myself.

Please send your art to me via email (down below). Include your name, the name you wish to appear on a button (you must have at least three submissions to have your own button), your page URL (if applicable) and a title for any picture that you submit. *You also must sign the guestbook located on the main Passions page.*

Please keep in mind that some of this artwork is meant to be a joke. If you don't like it, don't look at it! Please don't write to me complaining because you have been warned.

fleur79button.jpg - 5558 Bytes artalakaybutton.GIF - 2184 Bytes marinabutton.GIF - 2223 Bytes tarabutton.JPG - 1453 Bytes
miscbutton.jpg - 5558 Bytes

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