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Just fill out the form below with the best caption you can think of that fits with the picture. The picture will be replaced every week or so. For each picture, there will be up to three awards (example shown here) given to the people who gave the best caption. Even if you don't have a website, I will send it to you anyways. All past captions will be included in the 'Past Captions' page (button above). Be sure to fill out the form accurately! You can submit a MAXIMUM of THREE captions per picture. Please use a different form for each caption.

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Your full name:

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What is your caption for this pic?

Below are the past Caption This! pictures and all of the captions that I received for them. The ones that have asteriks were winners and are placed at the top of the list. They are all in alphabetical order. I am starting to put the most recent captions at the top now. Thank you to all who submitted captions and be sure to check out Caption This! Page 2!

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*** Chad: "Damn Whitney wasn't that what you've been wearing for the past 5 or 6 days?"

*** Chad: "Yo, man! I aint got no booger hangin' off my nose!"

*** Chad: "Baby got BACK!!"

Chad: "yo, yo julian's thing never looked so has my approval!!"

Chad and Whitney watch each other cautiously, then Whitney goes upstairs. Chad is extremely upset.

chad is thinking:"looks like i am not get anything from Whitney once again"

While playing the role of Chad Harris, Donn Swaby is thinking....."Those writers want 'Chad' to be in love with Whitney, but damn, that Ethan is one hot mama!!!

chad: "Damn whitney u look better naked dan wid clothes u know what i'm sayn!"

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*** Reb: "Oh, here it is. Wait a minute, this isn't mine, it's not even my size!"
Jules: (thinking) "Damn that Pilar! How many times do I have to tell her to stop leaving her things lying around."

*** Rebecca: "Pookie, what did you do to my bra??"
Julian: "Uh, nothing dear, I was, uh...*thinking* She must never know that I'm a drag queen!!

*** Julian: "OMG Rebecca stuffs!"
Rebecca: "Damn he didn't drink the martimmy's! Now he's sober and he knows my secret!"

jules: ok ok rebecca....soon but passions is starting now and i wanna see it....
becs: oh for god's sake u never miss passions!!! i thought u were a sex addict, but i was wrong...

Reb: (thinking) "I knew pookie was hiding something from me, HE'S A WOMAN!!"
Julian: (thinking) "Damn! I think my secret is finally out!"

Reb: (thinking) "I hope Julian didn't realize I had been going through his secret stash of bra collections"
Julian: (thinking) "Now were have I seen that fine item before? Grace? Tabitha? Oh thats right, it's mine."

Rebecca: Julian, so....I wear a padded bra!

Rebecca is thinking, I am going to save "these" as souvenirs.
Julian is thinking, "Can I have some too?"
Jenn & Aisha

julian:-omg,rebecca i never knew dat ur boobs r dat big!
rebecca:-(thinking)well thanx 2 dat water bra!

Julian: "Oh No! Alistar's going to be mad at me - he said he wanted to do rebecca on our honeymoon!"

I think the bed sprung a leak!

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*** Luis: "Quick! The next episode of Passions is about to start."
Sheridan: "They could have given us a bigger TV!"
Luis: "You can get bigger TV's than this."
Sheridan: "I didn't know you could get TV's this small!"

*** Luis: "No admittance? Omg now we can never areest da person who ate da last twinky!"
sheridan: "Omg I know, its terrible!"

*** "No Admittance. Is that slang for please insert here?"

They are thinking about each other

"Hey Does No Admittance mean Honeymoon Suite in a different language because this hotel is the bomb I just can't find our room."

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*** Sam: "How dare you eat the last twinkie!"

*** David: "Wow Sam! Are those hair plugs?"
Sam: "No, um, just shut up Hastings!"

*** David: "Well, I've never done it this way before, but I guess I can try!"

Sam: "I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU FOR WHAT U DID TO MY WIFE. She is MY wife and has MY kids and THAT is sacred!"

I think that Sam realized that David liked his wife, Grace.Sam thinks that David would take Grace from his hand.

Sam: "Oh god you're hot!!! Would you please take me now???"
David: "I am sorry Sam, I'm just not into that..."

SAM: "You are one sexy little bitch, you know that, Hastings? So do you like it rough? Do ya? Do ya?"
DAVID: "Grace may be MY wife, but she's not the one I came for, if you know what I mean..."

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*** Miguel: "Charity, your naughty side is taking over!"

*** Charity: "Wow Miguel! You should really blow your nose!"

*** Miguel: "Charity, I'm gay."
Charity: "Well, duh. I'm a timid virgin. Why do you think I'm dating you?"

Charity: "It must be a dream, we're all doomed! I'm not really here with Miguel, I can't be! We're all doomed! It's fate!... Oh wait, I can't say that, that's Theresa's line!"

Charity: "This is great! I hope Kay is not around or evil!"
Miguel: "This is great! I hope Kay's not around!"

Miguel: "Oh Charry Shnookies I wuv you so much!"
Charity: "Oh Meeeeegaaaal!! I wuv you too!! You know what? From this angle I can see right up your nose!! And I wuv your wittle boogers too!!"
Miguel: "Oh wuvy, let's get married!"

Charity: "Oh Miguel it feels so good to relax once in a while. You know whitout any evil around us."
Miguel: "I know exactly what you mean!

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*** Sheridan: "Nice boob!"
Luis: "Thanks! Its taken months to get it that firm!"
Amber Rae

*** Luis: "Yes Sheridan, I'm 100% all-natural!"

*** Sheridan: "And last night on "Buffy," she had to stake him right here."

Sheridan: "...and someday you'll grow breasts right here... Just like me!"
Luis: "Then I'll be a real woman!"

may aljanahi

Sheridan: "Luis! Where is your heart-beat?"
Luis: "Oh sorry, did I forget to tell you?"
Sheridan: "Tell me what?"
Luis: "Oh that I'm a vampire!"

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*** *POOT*
Hecuba: "What the hell was that??"
Tabby: "What?"
Hecuba: "Did you pass gas?"
Tabby: "Hell no! It wasn't me..."
Hecuba: *SNIFF* "You did! You passed gas!"

*** They are thinking about getting even with the Bennett and Standish women

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*** Julian: "I didn't even know it could be done this way... and people say *I* am a freak..."
Hecuba: "Well, I *was* going to put a bag over his head, but I suppose this will do..."

*** Julian: "Hurry up Wench! Push this wheelchair faster! Ivy and I are wheelchair-racing and I want to beat the whore!!"

*** Julian: "THAT'S what Rebecca looks like naked? Eeek! Come back Ivy!"

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*** Theresa: "I don't get it! The magazine specifically says blue food-colouring would dye your cum and spice up our love life!"
Ethan: "I suppose I should've waited for you..."

*** Theresa: "Oops, sorry Ethan, but I have to read the ad's for all the MASCARAS in this magazine!"

*** Ethan: "Oh shut up. I still look better than you!"

Ethan: "Why don't you watch where you're going weirdo?!...So is this what they call paint???"
Theresa: "Why don't YOU watch where you're going?! And if you got paint on me, I'm going to scalp you, Buddy!"

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*** "Dammit! Its been 16 years since I last ate! I NEED FOOD!"

*** "Oh Meeegal! That pound of cheese did nothing for my bowels! Where's the nearest bathroom?"

*** "Where in the hell is the Metamucil? I am so constipated! ARGH!"

"OK, I tried to be nice, tell you my premontions and NOBODY listens! Fine! I will just go back to being a bitch, I got a lot more attention that way!!"

"OMG! Kay is on top of Miguel and Im gonna have to kick some ass!"

"Oh man, my clothes are just so ugly it makes me so mad!!!

"I'm so mad I'm stuck with Miguel, a complete idiot who is completely in love with me!"

"OH I'm so mad I just can't get the right words to say!

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*** Reese: "...and then you stroke it like this...."
Miguel: "See Charity?? You stroke it like Reese is doing..."
Charity: "Reese! Do me! Do me!!"
Reese: "Jeez!! You people!! I'm only one man!!"

*** Charity: *Thinking* "Why are Miguel and Reese so touchy all of a sudden?"

*** Miguel: Oh, I would love to get a piece of Reese in bed. I don't see why Kay doesn't like him!"

Miguel: "Hey! Pull my finger!"

Miguel: "No, Reese this is how you waltz. I'll show you."
Reese: "I think I'm actuly getting the hang of this."
Charity: *Thinking* "They make a cute couple!

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