dancelogo.jpg - 8522 Bytes

This page is dedicated to all of the dance scenes shown on Passions. Passions wouldn't be the same if it didn't have the dances, parties and balls to attend. If you have anymore good dance photos, please email them to me!

ethan2.jpg - 5852 Bytes
etdance1.jpg - 10905 Bytes
etdance2.jpg - 8678 Bytes
etdance3.jpg - 14087 Bytes
lsdance1.jpg - 22703 Bytes
lsdance2.jpg - 9680 Bytes
lsdance3.jpg - 7740 Bytes
lsdance4.jpg - 22995 Bytes
lsdance5.jpg - 21535 Bytes
lsdance6.jpg - 8224 Bytes
lsdance7.jpg - 5424 Bytes
lsdance8.jpg - 43476 Bytes
mcdance1.jpg - 24475 Bytes
shercowdance1.jpg - 15523 Bytes
sidance1.jpg - 16529 Bytes

shuisdance1000.JPG - 12353 Bytes

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