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Grace is the devoted wife of Sam, loving mother of Kay, Jessica, and Noah, and aunt of Charity. She runs a Bed and Breakfast and crafts shop in Harmony. Grace is the person everyone turns to in a time of crisis-for advice, a hug, or a slice of her famous tomato soup cake! Grace first met Sam when he rescued her from a fire that was set by witch Tabitha-a fire that left Grace with no memory of her life before that night. Due to the amnesia, Grace doesn't remember that she has special powers of goodness, which could destroy Tabitha. These powers cause Grace to have frightening premonitions about what is going to happen in her life and the lives of those around her. Grace had a twin sister, Faith, who died in a fire also set by Tabitha. Faith's daughter, Charity, now lives with Grace and her family.

Ijess' Opinion: Grace needs to get with David - and fast! Maybe that will stop her boring storyline and picks things up a notch.

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