guesswhologo.JPG - 12960 Bytes

Do YOU think that you really know your Passions characters? Could you pick them out of a line up? What if you were only focusing on only one part of their face? Now is the time to test out these skills. Below are six (6) cropped pics. Some of them have been coloured in different ways or made bigger, but the changes end there. Can you pick out your favourite characters?

All you have to do is look at the pictures and fill out the form below. Be sure to number your answers so I know which answer corresponds to each picture. There will be awards given out to the people who answer them correctly. This set of pictures will change every week to two weeks or so. Good Luck!

For Your Information: The following Passions characters will be used week to week - only them: Alistair, Angel Girl, Beth, Brian, Chad, Charity, David, Doc, Ethan, Eve, Fr. Lonigan, Grace, Gwen, Hank, Hecuba, Ivy, Jessica, John, Julian, Kay, Liz, Luis, Miguel, Pilar, Rebecca, Reese, Sam, Sheridan, Simone, Tabitha, TC, Theresa, Timmy and Whitney. NONE of the characters will be used twice in the same Guess Who?

1. Who's mouth is this?

2. Who's hair is this?

3. Who's eyebrow is this?

4. Who's nose is this?

5. Who's eyes are these?

6. Who's part face is this?

Your full name:
Your email address:

What are the answers? Be sure to write the numbers beside your answers!

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Last week's answers:
1. John
2. Brian
3. Gwen
4. Charity
5. David
6. Ivy

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