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Ivy Winthrop grew up in wealth and privilege as the daughter of the governor. But Ivy didn't care about wealth or privilege when it came to matters of the heart. As a young woman, Ivy fell deeply in love with Sam Bennett. Unfortunately, her powerful father didn't deem blue-collar Sam a suitable match...so Ivy was manipulated into marrying Julian Crane. For years, Ivy kept a huge secret--her first-born son was not the son of Julian, but the son of her true love, Sam. Ivy's secret eventually came out. Ivy has never stopped loving Sam and is constantly scheming to win him back. She stooped to a new low when she blackmailed David Hastings to pose as the first husband of Sam's amnesiac wife, Grace. Ivy even brought David's son, John, to town and is forcing David to pretend John is Grace's son! Ivy is currently in a wheelchair. She was left paralyzed after being struck by a bolt of lightning!

Ijess' Opinion: I love Ivy. Some of the scenes with her in the wheelchair have been hilarious!

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Some of this information has been taken from nbc.com