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Julian is the ruthless, immoral, yet cowardly son of Alistair Crane. It is rare to find Julian without a drink in one hand and a woman in the other. Years ago, Julian followed his father's orders and entered a marriage of convenience with Ivy Winthrop even though at the time he was involved with Eve Russell. Julian and Eve even had a baby, who presumably died shortly after birth. When Julian learned that his son with Ivy, Ethan, was really Sam Bennett's son, he immediately filed for divorce from Ivy. While in Bermuda finalizing his divorce from Ivy, Julian got Ethan's fiancée, Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald, drunk...and the two wound up married! They signed annulment papers and Julian then married gold-digging social climber Rebecca Hotchkiss. However, Julian's annulment was not valid since (unbeknownst to him) Theresa was pregnant with his baby! On New Year's Eve, Julian's many enemies had enough of his evil ways...and he was shot and killed! However, it turns out Julian was not really dead, after all. He was disguising himself as Peggy and working as a short-order cook in a diner! Julian finally made his way back to Harmony.

Ijess' Opinion: Julian is mean, sex-crazed and damn funny! I love him! Ben Masters does a WONDERFUL job of portraying this character!

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