"Kiss Me"
Sung by: Lindsay Korman (Theresa) and Travis Schuldt (Ethan)
Ethan and Theresa's Theme Song

"Kiss Me"
Let me close my eyes
(Let me see)
Give me hope tonight
(Give me, me)
Touch my heart I'd cry
(And I live)
I live alone tonight
I dream
Hold me
Give me a place
Help me
Find my way
Carry through the night
Carry me
Be the one inside
My dream
See me
Make me whole
Breathe me
Find my way
Hold me
Give me a place
Help me
Find my way
Carry through the night
Carry me
Be the one inside
My dream
See me
Make me whole
Breathe me
Find my way
I'm here
Be with me
All for you now
Kiss Me
Kiss Me
Kiss Me
Wake me
Light the way
Find me
Kiss me

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