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My friend, AlyssaS, came to me with the idea of making love children for different couples on Passions. I was all for the idea and she began making these wonderful 'love children'.Thanks AlyssaS for all of your help!

chad.jpg - 9759 Bytes  whitney.jpg - 7337 Bytes  chitney.jpg - 156054 Bytes
Chad + Whitney = Chitney

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Sam + Grace = Gram

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Ethan + Gwen = Gwethan

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Miguel + Kay = Kaguel

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Miguel + Charity = Migarity

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Reese + Jessica = Reesica

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Sam + Ivy = Savy

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Luis + Sheridan = Shuis

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Sam + Whitney = Smitney

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TC + Eve = Teve

ethan.jpg - 8374 Bytes  theresa.jpg - 8834 Bytes  therethan.jpg - 156054 Bytes
Ethan + Theresa = Therethan

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Timmy + Tabitha = Timitha

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