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Luis is the heroic son of Pilar and Martin and brother of Antonio, Theresa, Miguel, and Paloma. Years ago, Luis took over the role of father figure in the family when his father and older brother, Antonio, disappeared. He works as a cop in the Harmony Police Department to support the family. Luis always hated the wealthy Crane family because he believes they had something to do with his father's disappearance. Despite his feelings for the Cranes, Luis wound up falling deeply in love with Sheridan Crane. Luis planned to spend his life with Sheridan and was grief-stricken when she was presumed dead in a boat explosion. After her "death," Luis prayed that she could somehow come back to him. His prayers came true when Sheridan miraculously returned to Harmony, and the soul mates were reunited. But Luis was dismayed to learn that that while Sheridan was living with amnesia on a remote island, she had fallen in love with Antonio, his own brother!

Ijess' Opinion: Feeling hot, hot, hot!! Luis is totally fabulous! He is sweet, charming, fiercly loyal and damn sexy! Mind you, I HATED him when I first began to watch Passions - he was always acting like a jerk and he was so full of himself! But now that he's with Sheridan, he is super-de-duper!

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Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald is portrayed by Galen Gering
Click here to visit Galen Gering's Official Website!

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