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Just a note: You can vote in all of the polls below. HOWEVER, some of them may be irrelevant now due to the changing storylines of the show. PLEASE don't email me telling me that the event is past. They used to be 'Polls of the Week' and they were just moved here. Most of the polls have little to do with the storylines though, so all should be good. Have fun!

Your Favourite Couple

Your Favourite Adult Female

Your Favourite Adult Male

Your Favourite Teen

Luis and Sheridan: Their week of love

Miguel: Kay or Charity?


Chad's Parents

Favourite Storyline

Sam and Grace

Charity: Good or Evil?


Love Triangles

Dumbest Character

Love Square

Humorous Duo

Teen Makeover

Adult Makeover

Alistair's Hidden Face




Julian's Next Mistress

Ethan's Hair

Favourite Storyline II

Theresa & Julian

TC's Role

Attacks on Julian

Sheridan and Luis


Brian, Liz and Doc

Theresa and Ethan

Sheridan's Amnesia

Titanic Scenerio

David's True Intentions

Theresa's Baby

Who's Being Murdered?

Who's The Murderer?

Mama Crane


Most Evil Character

Theresa's Sentence

Its Julian!

Complicated Theresa

Favourite Storyline III

Special Characters

More Air Time

What If?

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