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Pilar is the devoted mother of Antonio, Luis, Theresa, Miguel, and Paloma. Her husband, Martin Fitzgerald, mysteriously disappeared years ago and she still believes that one day he will come back to the family. Her eldest son, Antonio, disappeared shortly after Martin, but has since returned to Harmony-much to Pilar's joy. Pilar has worked as the housekeeper to the Cranes for years.

Ijess' Opinion: Pilar is one of the best characters on Passions. Eva is a wonderful actress and she plays Pilar to perfection. She is a beautiful woman with a heart of gold - she needs to be given more of a storyline though...how about a man in her life? I'm so happy that she isn't always wearing that housekeeper uniform anymore - it was so drab!

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Some of this information has been taken from nbc.com